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Victoria Lansford"s Russian Filigree DVD

It doesn't take a rocket scientist or a professional-level jewelry maker to look at Victoria Lansford's fabulous filigree jewelry and realize this is not immediate gratification work. It is intricate. It is beautiful. And it is possible to learn with some practice (of course) and some instruction from talented jewelry artists like Victoria. That is the focus of her DVD, Metal Techniques of Bronze Age Masters: Russian Filigree ($79.95), an instructional DVD she has created with the intent of passing on her knowledge.

She warns at the beginning of the DVD that this is designed for intermediate to advanced jewelry makers who should have a working knowledge of basic soldering and metal practices, such as finishing jewelry (filing, polishing, etc). Along with five projects, the DVD also includes a tips and tricks section which provides trouble shooting techniques when and if things don't go as planned when you start to try this technique.

Included with the DVD is a printable .pdf booklet (for those who read directions). The booklet also includes pictures, so you can use this as a hardcopy reference at your jewelry bench. Along with the hardcopy help, DVD owners also get access to a Q&A forum hosted by Victoria. This way her virtual students can post questions for her to answer and actually learn from each other as well.

The images on the DVD are up close so you can really get a good look at exactly what she is doing, and she calmly talks you through each step. I liked her explanation and demonstration of how she used a rolling mill, but when she made powered solder!

Hello! Wow! And she makes it look so easy.

Obviously, this is not a DVD for someone who hasn't soldered or worked with metal at all, but if you have some basics snuggly under your belt and are ready to take a big step into some serious metal work, then this might be what you are looking for. The 2 1/2 hour DVD is a resource you'll probably watch over and over again as you attempt her projects and then refer back to as you work through each one.

You can find out a lot more (and even view a clip) of the DVD at Victoria's web site, and you can also find some wonderful jewelry there if you just want to go drool a little.

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