7 Key Affiliate Marketing Tools Required For Your Success
On-line where affiliate marketing is concerned you will find a multitude of opinions on where and how you start with your business.
Some would have you believe that you don't need a website, others that you should build review sites or use blogs specifically built around the subject you are promoting.
Each of these have their own advantages and disadvantages but commonly a large body of opinion falls down on the next method and the purpose of this article.
So lets take a look at the key tools required to get you started on your affiliate marketing business: 1.
Domain name 2.
Hosting 3.
Squeeze page 4.
Free Report, ebook etc.
Opt-in form 5.
Auto responder 6.
Follow up email sequence Now lets take a look a these individually.
The domain name is the name that you provide your site with, This ideally should include keywords associated with the products name or keywords that have a link to the products content or at the very least the market sector the product is involved in.
So what is hosting, this allows you to point your domain name at your very own rented part of the internet that enables your files to be displayed.
Squeeze page is a special web page that the whole system is built around.
The squeeze page as the name may suggest is designed to squeeze the names and email addresses of your visitors out of them so that you can collect them.
Free report, ebook, membership, video or the like.
You will be asking your visitor to surrender their names and email addresses, in exchange for this you need to offer some thing of value.
The opt-in form is the form that collects the visitors personal details on your site.
This system is about automation, and the auto responder collects the personal information filled out in the opt in forms.
So why is this important? firstly you have a system to collect what may be hundreds and thousands of visitors details and all of this on auto pilot, secondly you can populate the auto responder with a series of email messages and future promotional broadcasts.
Follow up email sequence this is the nuts and bolts of the system.
Not only do you need to offer a sequence of emails to the tune of a minimum of 5 messages, possibly up to 9, 10 or more, you need to make these compelling and interesting.
The reason for multiple email follow up messages is because it is a proven fact that it may take up to seven approaches of an offer before some one makes a purchase.
The reasons for this could include, resistance to buying, not seeing your first message for any number of reasons, just need to have more visits to clarify all issues before deciding to buy.
Affiliate Marketing is not a exact science, but you can assist yourself by having a system of sorts in place.
The system outlined above is just on of many and is acclaimed as one of the most successful methods of promoting affiliate products.
Some would have you believe that you don't need a website, others that you should build review sites or use blogs specifically built around the subject you are promoting.
Each of these have their own advantages and disadvantages but commonly a large body of opinion falls down on the next method and the purpose of this article.
So lets take a look at the key tools required to get you started on your affiliate marketing business: 1.
Domain name 2.
Hosting 3.
Squeeze page 4.
Free Report, ebook etc.
Opt-in form 5.
Auto responder 6.
Follow up email sequence Now lets take a look a these individually.
The domain name is the name that you provide your site with, This ideally should include keywords associated with the products name or keywords that have a link to the products content or at the very least the market sector the product is involved in.
So what is hosting, this allows you to point your domain name at your very own rented part of the internet that enables your files to be displayed.
Squeeze page is a special web page that the whole system is built around.
The squeeze page as the name may suggest is designed to squeeze the names and email addresses of your visitors out of them so that you can collect them.
Free report, ebook, membership, video or the like.
You will be asking your visitor to surrender their names and email addresses, in exchange for this you need to offer some thing of value.
The opt-in form is the form that collects the visitors personal details on your site.
This system is about automation, and the auto responder collects the personal information filled out in the opt in forms.
So why is this important? firstly you have a system to collect what may be hundreds and thousands of visitors details and all of this on auto pilot, secondly you can populate the auto responder with a series of email messages and future promotional broadcasts.
Follow up email sequence this is the nuts and bolts of the system.
Not only do you need to offer a sequence of emails to the tune of a minimum of 5 messages, possibly up to 9, 10 or more, you need to make these compelling and interesting.
The reason for multiple email follow up messages is because it is a proven fact that it may take up to seven approaches of an offer before some one makes a purchase.
The reasons for this could include, resistance to buying, not seeing your first message for any number of reasons, just need to have more visits to clarify all issues before deciding to buy.
Affiliate Marketing is not a exact science, but you can assist yourself by having a system of sorts in place.
The system outlined above is just on of many and is acclaimed as one of the most successful methods of promoting affiliate products.