Cars & Vehicles Trucks

Is Truck Safety A Federal Law

When a commercial driver takes the steering wheel in hand and engages the truck to move, a great responsibility follows.
Safety must be the first priority.
To ensure the vehicle is in good running condition is of utmost importance, before attempting a trip.
The driver must comply with the federal rules for truck safety at all times.
Complying with the rules may not always be convenient, but they are mandatory and must be followed to the limit.
It is a privilege to be physically and mentally able to drive, with those capabilities, it is also a privilege to follow the rules of the road.
Not follow the rules can result in fines and possible loss of licenses.
Training classes are held across the nation for individuals interested in becoming a truck driver.
Trainers of such programs are well versed in the regulations and procedures.
Test are given to determine the knowledge one has obtained while in the class.
In some cases, test are failed as well the testing for the commercial licenses and the individual is sent home for a duration of time.
After a certain period it may be necessary to attend classes again.
Years ago drivers were not required to spend time in the classes.
Learning to drive large equipment was a simple process, learning from observing.
New regulation and new federal laws determined that there would be no grandfathering status permitted when obtaining a licenses.
Avoiding the mandatory safety check can be a costly fine and possible points removed from licenses.
In order to maintain a safe vehicle, a daily routine is, before moving the truck do the check.
Fifteen minutes must be shown on the log book that such an action was taken.
Log books are a legal document and should not be taken lightly.
They must be completed at the end of the day in legible format.
Trucking companies pay an astronomical amount of road taxes yearly.
Taxes that are not familiar to the common motorist, however, the taxes does not merit an attitude of belligerent ownership.
Some commercial operators feel they are in charge of the highways because they drive a large vehicle.
Considering they are expected to be the professional drivers on the road, more road courtesy should be exhibited.
Sharing the road with other motorist often plays a part on patience.
Being patient and slow to anger proves to be a more acceptable action at the end of the day.
When carrying hazardous loads, it is compulsory to have the load properly placarded.
The placards are necessary to advise the law enforcement and the public if there is another route that must be taken, or if there is a spill, or simply for safety reasons.
To avoid using the placards on a load considered hazardous can result into many unpleasant situations.
Hazmat paperwork describes the load and must be accessible to the driver at all times.
It should be carried inside the cab in the door pocket, or within reach on the dashboard.
Daily log book details are as mentioned very vital to observing the laws that represent transporting vehicles.
It must be noted that after a ten hour break, with eight of those ten hours being used in the sleeper berth, a driver may begin his new driving time.
Driving time consist of eleven hours only after the ten hour break.
A recorded number of accidents have been reported which were due to the driver falling asleep at the wheel.
An unfortunate accident that could have been avoided if the hours of service and the off duty time had been used accordingly.
It is important to follow the standard log keeping method, and be diligent on a day to day account.
A large percentage of a weekly pay check can be lost to fines over one log book error.
The over the road occupation is not an easy job.
It deprives one of a social life or developing normal eating and sleeping habits.
The regulations set will assist in making life a bit easier while on the road, if only they are taken into consideration.
When it is time to shut the truck down and get some sleep, do exactly that.
Many times drivers spend an abundance of their sleep time talking with others they meet inside in the restaurant, or they use the time to play video games.
When it is time for them to return to work, they have had no sleep or very little, and get behind the wheel.
Many accidents are caused by careless drivers.
Sleepiness promotes irritation and carelessness which often times involves a mishap.
For safety, health wise as well as road wise, sleep is recommended.
Focusing on the big picture, and observing the vehicles in the proximity gives the opportunity to slow down or possibly stop if something ahead suddenly takes place.
Keeping a clear mind and observing road signs is a definite way to attribute to truck safety.
Many motorist on the road depend on the commercial drivers abilities and conduct.
They also expect professionalism and an adherence to road safety.

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