Health & Medical Diet & Fitness

Lemon Cleanse Or Master Cleanse - Different Names, Same Possible Results!

If you are a regular follower of diets and detox programs, then you may have heard of detoxes like a Master Cleanse program before.
You may have only heard of a Lemon Cleanse detox.
It may surprise you to know that both of these titles are attributed to the same detox program! The reason for this is that the recipe used for a Master Cleanse detox requires you to make "lemonade".
One of the 4 ingredients is lemon juice, thus this program is known both as a Lemon Cleanse and Master Cleanse.
The only other 3 ingredients you need are maple syrup, cayenne pepper and water.
If possible, try to use organic products as it is claimed that these intensify the effectiveness of the detox program.
The "lemonade" needs to be drunk at least 6 times day; the minimum amount you need to drink is 60oz each day.
You may also find that it is recommended to drink herbal teas or a saline solution during the 10 day period.
These products have a laxative effect on your body, and so are considered to be helpful whilst on a Master Cleanse detox.
There are no solid foods allowed during this detox program.
The claimed benefits of this program are: o Boosted immune system o Feeling energized o Weight loss o Looking and feeling healthier and younger Although Master Cleanse is not classed as a diet, it is claimed that you can lose up to 20 pounds of excess weight over the 10 day period (that's equivalent to 2 pounds per day).
It should be noted that it is possible to achieve this, but it is also possible that after the detox ends, some of the weight will be put back on.
Remember to get as much information as you can about any detox before you start to make sure that it is suitable for you.
Once you have all of the information, then you can decide if this kind of detox is something that will be right for you.
Whether you call this detox program Master Cleanse or Lemon Cleanse, it is claimed it is possible to achieve the same results!

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