Health & Medical Women's Health

Be Glad You"re Learning The Women"s Self-Defense Lessons That Most Women Think They"ll Never Need!

Most women, regardless of race, status, or religion, have one thing in common.
And, that is that they don't feel the need to learn self-defense - especially self-defense for women.
Why? When we see more and more violence around us every day, why women believe that they have no need for women's self-defense training? The simple and overwhelming answer is...
They don't think they will ever need it.
Don't believe me? Do your own surveys.
Ask your girlfriends.
Send emails out to all the women in your contact list.
Now, granted, if you are a woman and you're reading this then you're probably not among the masses.
I promise you that, if you ask your friends and family members, your co-workers, and just about every other woman, you're going to be surprised by what you hear.
How do I know? Because I've been asking women for over 30 years! And, I know that you're going to hear the same thing that I do.
In fact, with the rare exception (and unless you're asking the chicks in your women's self-defense class) these are some of the responses you'll probably get:
  • I am not a violent person.
  • I can talk myself out of any problems.
  • That's why the police exist.
  • I have my husband, boyfriend, or father to take care of that.
  • I am careful.
  • I have brothers who will protect me.
  • I can defend myself - I'll just kick him where it counts.
Sounds familiar? Of course it does.
Most women assume you have to be a violent person to even consider practicing martial arts - and that includes learning women's self-defense.
Even if their significant-other is a martial artist, and they know that person is not violent, many still hold this belief.
Let's clear the air.
While it is true that there are some marital artists (and I use the term loosely; especially those involved in mixed martial arts), do enjoy being aggressive and violent, the majority of people who study despise violence and try to avoid it at all cost! To them, martial arts is not about violence.
It's about much more - like developing focus, discipline and, yes, for women's self-defense.
There are many martial arts that also focus on developing the spirit - martial arts like ninjutsu, tai-chi, and several forms of kung-fu.
These arts offer you teachings that help with endurance, calming the spirit, self-discipline, and gaining confidence in all aspects of your life.
Think about this for a second; how many women do you know, who could do with a shot of confidence? Men as well! A few, right? Probably the same number who need to learn women's self-defense! Those of us who have children, and who take lessons, have seen the effect it can have, both as a means of effective self-defense and as a motivational tool.
Self-defense, whether for men or women's self-defense, teaches you how to be confident and self-reliant.
It has helped thousands just like you and, the good news is that...
it can do that for you too.
With the help of the right instructor, you can learn to be a better you.
An instructor who can guide you in the fighting arts, in learning the most effective means of self-defense for women, and in the spiritual aspects of being more effective, more results-oriented, and more successful in your everyday life as well.
Life can be difficult.
You spend your time working, take care of the kids, and more.
If you're married, it's hard enough being a wife and a mother.
If you're a single mom, it's even harder.
It can be more than enough to drive you crazy.
But, even with all of that, imagine how difficult it is to fend off, escape from, or survive the vicious attack coming from a male attacker who is bigger, stronger, and more skilled than you! But then, you don't have to imagine it.
You can read about it and watch the reports of it on television everyday.
And, that's where martial arts and women's self-defense training come in.
They're just like buying car insurance.
You e that you're never in an accident.
But, you know you just might be.
And, while you might resent paying for it...
you're glad you had the protection when you find yourself in exactly that situation! Just like you will be when you need those women's self-defense lessons that every other women thinks she doesn't need!

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