Home & Garden Do It Yourself

Should You Seal Your Grout?

So, you've just spent a weekend off cleaning your grout and tile and now your home looks fantastic. Great! I told you it wasn't that hard! Now, how do you protect your grout and tile from becoming dirty again?
Well, that's what grout sealants are for. In theory, grout sealers leave behind a thin layer on your grout and tile that protects it from wear and tear, dirt, dust, and all the stuff that can make it dirty. Sounds good, right? Well, like I said, it's all theory. In reality, grout sealants on the market DO leave behind a layer on your grout and tile but it's not what you'd think it should be. The layer they leave behind is known to be sticky and uncomfortable on your feet, it also turns into a pale yellow color all over your tile over time and instead of giving your floor a nice shine it makes it feel waxy and slippery. Since it's a bit sticky, when dirt and such comes into contact with it, it actually keeps it there instead of it being protected. It literally sticks to the grout and tile, making it even worse.

What's more, once you apply a grout sealant it is extremely difficult to remove it. And if you do decide to remove it, it will take a very, very long time and will most likely damage your grout and tile in the process. It's a waxy surface and it clings to your floor so when you scrape it up, your grout and tile comes with it and ruins it. You then will have to re-grout your whole floor.

My recommendation is to just take your time and do a great job cleaning your grout and tile first. You can then use a rinse like Groutrageous Grout and Tile Rinse to remove any haze and filmy buildup during the cleaning. Unfortunately, since there are no real good grout sealant products out there that won't leave a waxy yellowish film on top of your floor, you're going to have to clean your grout every now and then. It happens and there's not really too much you can do to prevent dirt buildup. Of course just doing a general mop and sweep every couple of days will keep it looking great for longer than just letting it sit.

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