How to Podcast - Show Format
After recording over 200 podcasts for the Recognized Expert Marketing Show, I've learned a thing or two about creating a successful show.
And by successful, I mean a show that has a loyal following of dedicated listeners.
After years of trail and error, here's what we learned about producing a show that people want to subscribe to.
Make Your Podcast Thematic If you want to host a successful podcast or Internet radio show, your show must be thematic.
In our case, the Recognized Expert Marketing Show focuses on marketing.
Our listeners know that they can count on hearing a program that's going to teach them how to market themselves better.
We are not trying to target people who are interested in fiction or cooking or travel.
The show is about marketing and the people who listen to the show are there to learn about marketing.
Don't try to be all things to all people.
It doesn't work.
Invite A Quality Guest There are pros and cons to having a guest on your show.
For example, a well known guest will attract listeners.
They will add credibility to your show and give you someone to banter with.
The best reason for having a quality guest on your show is the information and experiences they provide that you can't offer.
A popular and quality guest can be a godsend for any podcast.
The downside to having a guest on your show is the unknown.
Unless you've heard them on another show, you really don't know what to expect when the microphone goes live.
In order to ease my concerns I contact every guest on the telephone before I schedule them on my podcast.
You can get a pretty good idea as to how a guest is going to act from a simple telephone call, but not always.
So, should you have guests on your podcast? The answer is, "It depends.
" You're the most qualified person to make that decision.
With the basics out of the way, let's look at what the format of a thematic show with guest looks like.
Provide A Musical Introduction Music is a great way to get your audience in the mood for your show.
It's also a way to create continuity for your show.
The trick with music is to keep it short and make sure it represents the mood you want to create for your podcast.
Introduce Yourself and the Show Don't leave new listeners wondering.
Tell them straight away who you are and what the show is about.
Drive Listeners To Your Website I didn't do this for the first 100 shows and it proved to be an expensive mistake.
When we started the Recognized Expert Marketing Show, it was only available on our website.
Today it is syndicated on over 80 websites including iTunes.
The good news is 90% of our listeners don't listen to the Recognized Expert Marketing Show on our website.
The bad news is 90% of our listeners don't listen to the Recognized Expert Marketing Show on our website.
Here's why that's bad news.
Since our listeners are not listening to my podcast on our website, we can't encourage them to sign-up on our list, click on our ads or purchase our products.
That's a problem you want to avoid from the start.
Give your listeners a reason to come to your website and offer them a bonus for going.
We offer ebooks, reports, articles and other great marketing tips that are only available on our website.
This is the single most important thing you must do on your podcast.
Introduce Your Topic Project your excitement about the show and tell your listeners what they can expect from your show.
Make a big promise and keep it.
Introduce Your Guest Once your listeners have been persuaded to listen to your show, introduce your guest.
You want to make a big deal over your guest for the benefit of your audience and your guest.
You really can't go too far.
Get to the Content Quickly The fastest way to build a loyal following is to provide great content right out of the gate.
Follow through on the promise you made at the beginning of the show and have them reaching for a pencil and paper.
Take A Break I schedule a break halfway through my show.
This gives me an opportunity to reintroduce my guest and remind my listeners to go to my website.
Recap The Show Give your listeners a synopsis of what they learned and remind them why they listen to your show.
Encourage them to tell their friends about your show and visit your website for more information.
Do these things and you will quickly have your own successful podcast.
And by successful, I mean a show that has a loyal following of dedicated listeners.
After years of trail and error, here's what we learned about producing a show that people want to subscribe to.
Make Your Podcast Thematic If you want to host a successful podcast or Internet radio show, your show must be thematic.
In our case, the Recognized Expert Marketing Show focuses on marketing.
Our listeners know that they can count on hearing a program that's going to teach them how to market themselves better.
We are not trying to target people who are interested in fiction or cooking or travel.
The show is about marketing and the people who listen to the show are there to learn about marketing.
Don't try to be all things to all people.
It doesn't work.
Invite A Quality Guest There are pros and cons to having a guest on your show.
For example, a well known guest will attract listeners.
They will add credibility to your show and give you someone to banter with.
The best reason for having a quality guest on your show is the information and experiences they provide that you can't offer.
A popular and quality guest can be a godsend for any podcast.
The downside to having a guest on your show is the unknown.
Unless you've heard them on another show, you really don't know what to expect when the microphone goes live.
In order to ease my concerns I contact every guest on the telephone before I schedule them on my podcast.
You can get a pretty good idea as to how a guest is going to act from a simple telephone call, but not always.
So, should you have guests on your podcast? The answer is, "It depends.
" You're the most qualified person to make that decision.
With the basics out of the way, let's look at what the format of a thematic show with guest looks like.
Provide A Musical Introduction Music is a great way to get your audience in the mood for your show.
It's also a way to create continuity for your show.
The trick with music is to keep it short and make sure it represents the mood you want to create for your podcast.
Introduce Yourself and the Show Don't leave new listeners wondering.
Tell them straight away who you are and what the show is about.
Drive Listeners To Your Website I didn't do this for the first 100 shows and it proved to be an expensive mistake.
When we started the Recognized Expert Marketing Show, it was only available on our website.
Today it is syndicated on over 80 websites including iTunes.
The good news is 90% of our listeners don't listen to the Recognized Expert Marketing Show on our website.
The bad news is 90% of our listeners don't listen to the Recognized Expert Marketing Show on our website.
Here's why that's bad news.
Since our listeners are not listening to my podcast on our website, we can't encourage them to sign-up on our list, click on our ads or purchase our products.
That's a problem you want to avoid from the start.
Give your listeners a reason to come to your website and offer them a bonus for going.
We offer ebooks, reports, articles and other great marketing tips that are only available on our website.
This is the single most important thing you must do on your podcast.
Introduce Your Topic Project your excitement about the show and tell your listeners what they can expect from your show.
Make a big promise and keep it.
Introduce Your Guest Once your listeners have been persuaded to listen to your show, introduce your guest.
You want to make a big deal over your guest for the benefit of your audience and your guest.
You really can't go too far.
Get to the Content Quickly The fastest way to build a loyal following is to provide great content right out of the gate.
Follow through on the promise you made at the beginning of the show and have them reaching for a pencil and paper.
Take A Break I schedule a break halfway through my show.
This gives me an opportunity to reintroduce my guest and remind my listeners to go to my website.
Recap The Show Give your listeners a synopsis of what they learned and remind them why they listen to your show.
Encourage them to tell their friends about your show and visit your website for more information.
Do these things and you will quickly have your own successful podcast.