Law & Legal & Attorney Bankruptcy & consumer credit

How to Remove Judgments

    • 1). Validate your judgment. Check your current credit reports to make sure it is even legal for the judgment to be on your record. The statute of limitations may have expired in your state. An expired statute of limitations is a valid defense to remove a judgment from your credit.

    • 2). Dispute the judgment. Your judgment may be legal, but you may still dispute it. If the courts do not verify with the credit bureau within 30 days of filing the dispute, the credit bureau must delete it.

    • 3). Contact the judgment creditor to remove a paid debt. Your judgment can be paid, yet remain on your credit report. Convince the creditor to dismiss the judgment so it can be taken off all your credit reports.

    • 4). Dismiss judgment through agreed payment with the judgment creditor. Inform your creditor you will pay now if he agrees to dismiss the judgment in court after payment. Get this agreement in writing. On your credit the judgment will show up as dismissed even though you paid it. This is better than your report indicating a valid judgment that was filed and then paid.

    • 5). File a vacate error judgment. Almost 80 percent are awarded in error. When this is the case, the judgment comes off your record and you are not required to pay a cent. Unless you know a lot about how to fill out and file this paperwork, it may be best to pay out some money to hire a lawyer.

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