Health & Medical Diet & Fitness

Cleansing Or Fasting - What Is Best?

Cleansing and fasting are terms that are often used interchangeably to mean the same thing.
However, there are some important difference between these two practices.
Fasting Fasting involves abstaining from all food, and in some cases from drinks as well, for a definite period of time.
This means that when a person is fasting, he/she is actually quitting food for a certain period of time.
Fasting is normally done for spiritual purposes or for other religious beliefs.
As a person avoids eating while fasting, it is possible that the functions of the major organs of the body, including liver, kidneys, digestive tract and also blood will be affected.
This will lead to the elimination of wastes from the body in the form of stools.
Fasting can cause severe diarrhea, nausea and dehydration if done for an extended period of time.
Cleansing Cleansing, on the other hand, is a very effective way of eliminating wastes and toxins from the body without abstaining completely from food.
The process of cleaning involves giving more and more essential minerals, nutrients and energy to the boy through foods in order to heal as well as detoxify the system by itself.
Cleansing is an act that involves the use of proper nutrients for improving the bodily functions and releasing toxins.
A cleansing program involves the consumption of lots of water, fresh fruits and leafy vegetables, juices and other fluids.
It may also involve using herbal teas and drinking salt water to help flush out and clean the colon.
Cleansing sometimes also involves adding bulk or fiber to the food to eradicate added toxins from the body, followed by adequate water consumption to prevent dehydration.
It is a full course program that will help you to lose weight and even maintain your body weight at the same time.
Fasting vs.
While fasting can make you weak and feeble, cleansing will not.
Cleansing ensures that you feel more energetic and fresher, with a totally renewed sense of physical and mental vitality, while fasting will drench all your energy and make you feel lethargic and fatigued all the time.
Cleansing is a relatively short and simple process, while fasting is complicated.
Even if fasting does not seem to be complicated initially, it is very difficult to maintain it in the long run.
Cleansing diets can also be challenging to maintain, but they generally meet your nutritional needs while you are following the cleanse program.

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