It Is Finished - Why Is Jesus Sitting?
On the cross Jesus said, "it is finished".
Scripture also say Jesus sat down at the right hand of God.
Question is what do those two ideas reveal? Where is Jesus sitting and why is He sitting there? How are we to understand "finished" and "sitting"? Is Jesus sitting in a lawn chair or on a couch? If He was we could conclude He had done all He was going to do and He is now resting.
Did Jesus sit down to rest? Is Jesus on vacation after having fulfilled the will of the Father? Is He on the beach somewhere? Is Jesus just sitting back waiting for us to get our act together? If He has done all He is ever going to do then how do we co-labor with God.
"Co" means two.
I am one who is the other if He isn't doing anything? He is inviting us to co-labor with Him the same way a father invites his son to labor with him in the family business.
We are not the employees of God, we are children of God.
Jesus sat down at the right hand of God.
They are sitting on a throne.
We are seated in heavenly place in Christ Jesus.
So what are thrones all about? Jesus sitting at the right hand of God signifies power, the throne signifies authority.
Jesus sat down in authority and power.
Thrones are not for resting, they are for ruling.
Ruling is an activity, the activity of kings.
It is the same idea as judges sitting at the bench in our judicial system.
They sit down to go to work.
So often we seem to be trying to work for God instead of with God.
Some have felt "it is finished" means He is done doing all He is going to do.
But that idea does not accurately express the truth about kings, kingdoms, or their thrones.
I believe the kingdom of God is a very busy place.
It is a place of the highest kind of activity, the highest kind of life.
Kings are not passively sitting back and observing their kingdom.
They are intimately involved in every aspect of it.
Scripture says Jesus ever lives to make intercession for the saints, and God watches over His word to perform it.
This is activity.
Jesus went to sit down at God's right hand, in power and authority, so that He could get involved in your life with authority and power.
He intercedes for you and on the throne He will execute justice for you.
From the throne He will show you mercy and give grace to help in your time of need.
This is powerful activity, this is precious activity to bring His will to pass for your life.
The way back to God has been made, that part is finished.
But when Jesus sat down it was because it was time to go to work on getting us into His kingdom.
This is why Jesus is sitting.
Scripture also say Jesus sat down at the right hand of God.
Question is what do those two ideas reveal? Where is Jesus sitting and why is He sitting there? How are we to understand "finished" and "sitting"? Is Jesus sitting in a lawn chair or on a couch? If He was we could conclude He had done all He was going to do and He is now resting.
Did Jesus sit down to rest? Is Jesus on vacation after having fulfilled the will of the Father? Is He on the beach somewhere? Is Jesus just sitting back waiting for us to get our act together? If He has done all He is ever going to do then how do we co-labor with God.
"Co" means two.
I am one who is the other if He isn't doing anything? He is inviting us to co-labor with Him the same way a father invites his son to labor with him in the family business.
We are not the employees of God, we are children of God.
Jesus sat down at the right hand of God.
They are sitting on a throne.
We are seated in heavenly place in Christ Jesus.
So what are thrones all about? Jesus sitting at the right hand of God signifies power, the throne signifies authority.
Jesus sat down in authority and power.
Thrones are not for resting, they are for ruling.
Ruling is an activity, the activity of kings.
It is the same idea as judges sitting at the bench in our judicial system.
They sit down to go to work.
So often we seem to be trying to work for God instead of with God.
Some have felt "it is finished" means He is done doing all He is going to do.
But that idea does not accurately express the truth about kings, kingdoms, or their thrones.
I believe the kingdom of God is a very busy place.
It is a place of the highest kind of activity, the highest kind of life.
Kings are not passively sitting back and observing their kingdom.
They are intimately involved in every aspect of it.
Scripture says Jesus ever lives to make intercession for the saints, and God watches over His word to perform it.
This is activity.
Jesus went to sit down at God's right hand, in power and authority, so that He could get involved in your life with authority and power.
He intercedes for you and on the throne He will execute justice for you.
From the throne He will show you mercy and give grace to help in your time of need.
This is powerful activity, this is precious activity to bring His will to pass for your life.
The way back to God has been made, that part is finished.
But when Jesus sat down it was because it was time to go to work on getting us into His kingdom.
This is why Jesus is sitting.