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How to Obtain Forgiveness

How to obtain forgiveness for one's sins is a topic that interests many people. No one is perfect, and there are going to come times when a person needs to realize that he or she did something wrong and thus needs to seek forgiveness from God and/or other people. There are different ways to obtain forgiveness, and they include praying, doing good works, and realizing what one did that was wrong and not repeating it in the future.

To begin, a person can be forgiven for his or her wrongdoings by praying to God. For instance, a person may pray to God to see if He will forgive him or her for lying to a friend. Praying provides peace of mind and assures God that the person who did something wrong understands the extent of what he or she did.

Doing good works can also help a person to achieve being forgiven. A person who does wrong can compensate for his or her actions by striving to lead a good life filled with good works. To illustrate this, a person may be looking to be forgiven for treating people in an indifferent manner over the years. He or she may look to turn a new leaf and volunteer to be a big brother or sister to a youth or more in need. Acting as a good role model for a youngster in need will ultimately overshadow a person's past as long as he or she does not go back to his or her old ways.

Last but not least, a person can look to not repeat the same mistake in the future when he or she is seeking forgiveness. For example, a man may have hurt his friend by making fun of her weight. He could feel terrible about this and strive to never hurt this or any friend again. He then may think about offering people compliments instead of insults in the future.

Everyone has heard the old adage that says forgive and forget. A lot of people have trouble doing this sort of thing, especially when they have been deeply hurt or negatively affected by another person. However, forgiveness is something that we all must learn to have in our hearts. Jesus said while nailed to the cross: Forgive them Father for they know not what they do. That is a powerful example that we all must follow.

Have you been hurt by someone who you care deeply for? Do you harbor negative feelings about it? Did you know that these kinds of feeling will bring you down and eat at you until those simple feelings of hurt turn into another more powerful emotion like hatred and anger? Being able to forgive someone for something they did to you is by far the strongest power you could have. This makes you stronger and a much better person.

God thinks about the way you forgive others when you ask to be forgiven for the sins you are guilty of. Do not hold in feelings against another person, no matter what they have done to you or someone who you care about. If God can forgive these same people, so can you.

If you do not forgive those that have sinned against you, then you are also committing a sin. God says to forgive those that have sinned against you so that you will be forgiven. This is a quite simple scripture, but it can be really hard for those that have been really bad.

If you are having trouble with the feelings you have that someone else had caused, then pray to God about it. Ask him for the help you need in being able to forgive another person for the things they night have done to hurt you.

In conclusion, there are different ways for a person to obtain forgiveness for his or her sins. These include praying, doing good works, and realizing what he or she did wrong and not repeating it in the future.

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