Health & Medical Diabetes

How Diabetes Symptoms Affect Our Life

Diabetes is one of the causes of mortality nowadays, most of the people are not aware that they already have this condition.
This is because of lack in knowledge about the symptoms and about the prevention.
What are these symptoms and how it affects out life? Awareness is required to manage diabetes.
Knowing what makes the blood sugar rise and fall is very important.
Food is one key to prevent complications of diabetes, it is very important to be consistent.
The blood sugar level is high after 1 to 2 hour of meal, and begin to fall.
But this predictable pattern can work in the advantage of the patient.
By simply eating about the same amount of food at about the same time every day can help the patient to control the blood sugar level.
Carbohydrate have a big effect in the blood sugar level than the protein or fats does.
Eating about the same amount of carbohydrates at each meal or snack will help to keep the blood sugar steady through out the day.
Too little food in comparison to the diabetes medications especially insulin may result in dangerously low blood glucose.
Physical activity is another important part of the diabetes management.
When the patient do some physical activity, it improves the.
body's response to insulin.
These factors work together to lower the blood sugar level.
The more strenuous the work out, the longer the effects last.
Even light activities can help like house work, gardening, or being on the feet for extend periods.
Here are the things that the patient needs to do: consult the doctor for the exercise that the patient can do, adjust the diabetes treatment plan as needed, if the patient is taking insulin, they may need to adjust their insulin dose before exercising or wait for a few hours to exercise after injecting insulin.
Or it is also possible that the doctor will suggest the changes to the patients diabetes plan.
Check the blood glucose before, during and after the exercise especially if the patient is taking insulin or medications that can cause low blood sugar.
Drinking of plenty fluids while working out is very helpful.
Stop exercising if the patient experience any warning signs such as severe shortness of breath, dizziness, or chest pain.
Insulin and other diabetes medications are designed to lower the patient's blood sugar level.
But the effectiveness of these medications depends on the timing and size of the dose.
And any medications that the patient take for conditions other than diabetes can affect their blood sugar level, too.

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