The Basics of Scientist-Tested Remedies For Head Lice
The problem of head lice is a common among children.
Lice infested humans even during the Stone Age.
So, after you are infested with them, do not panic.
They can be treated.
Scientists have found remedies in the form of shampoos and oils for gradual treatment against lice.
The basics of scientist-tested remedies for them are given below.
•Confirming the presence of lice: Before proceeding to any treatment, you need to ensure that you or your children are infested with them.
Irritation that causes relentless itching in the head is the most common symptom.
The presence of them is easily noticeable once they have laid eggs.
•Shampoo treatment: Nix is an anti-lice shampoo which has been developed by doctors in the U.
Regular washing of your hair with Nix can reduce the presence of lice in your head.
The presence of lice near the root of the hair indicates that lice eggs have probably hatched and are on the verge of spreading fast.
There are also shampoos such as Ovide and Lindane which can prove effective against them.
•Manual removal of lice: Almost all lice comb manufacturers give the assurance of 100% lice removal.
This is because most head lice combs are tried and tested with body lice eggs, which are considerably larger and are easily caught within the bristles of the combs.
However, scientists at the National Pediculosis Association (NPA) recommend the manual removal of head lice as the only safe method.
Doctors also suggest the use of scotch tape.
Since scotch tape is not suitable for children, a metal nit comb is a much better tool.
•Use of olive oil: Most shampoos have chemicals that are used in pesticides.
This can have serious side effects on children.
Entomologists in Israel are therefore working on natural treatment methods against head lice.
They have formulated the concept of using olive oil to remove them.
In a laboratory test they took five-to-six lice from an infested hair and put them in warm olive oil.
The lice were dead in a matter of minutes.
•Cleaning furniture and upholstery: Once there is the onset of lice within your family, it is advisable to clean all furniture, clothing, curtains, blankets and towels.
Children playing with toys can be infested as well as they share them with each other.
Cleaning them is a good option.
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends washing every substance that encounters the head of a person before 24-48 hours after the infestation.
The infected substances can be collected and put in a plastic bag for a few days.
This will ensure that the lice starve to death.
Preventing re-infestation: Once you undergo the treatment, consult your pediatrician to ensure you do not have live lice in your head.
Hair oil and spray products are available to avoid re-infestation of them.
They have to be taken for a period of five-to-six days to cast out head lice out of your family.
Lice infested humans even during the Stone Age.
So, after you are infested with them, do not panic.
They can be treated.
Scientists have found remedies in the form of shampoos and oils for gradual treatment against lice.
The basics of scientist-tested remedies for them are given below.
•Confirming the presence of lice: Before proceeding to any treatment, you need to ensure that you or your children are infested with them.
Irritation that causes relentless itching in the head is the most common symptom.
The presence of them is easily noticeable once they have laid eggs.
•Shampoo treatment: Nix is an anti-lice shampoo which has been developed by doctors in the U.
Regular washing of your hair with Nix can reduce the presence of lice in your head.
The presence of lice near the root of the hair indicates that lice eggs have probably hatched and are on the verge of spreading fast.
There are also shampoos such as Ovide and Lindane which can prove effective against them.
•Manual removal of lice: Almost all lice comb manufacturers give the assurance of 100% lice removal.
This is because most head lice combs are tried and tested with body lice eggs, which are considerably larger and are easily caught within the bristles of the combs.
However, scientists at the National Pediculosis Association (NPA) recommend the manual removal of head lice as the only safe method.
Doctors also suggest the use of scotch tape.
Since scotch tape is not suitable for children, a metal nit comb is a much better tool.
•Use of olive oil: Most shampoos have chemicals that are used in pesticides.
This can have serious side effects on children.
Entomologists in Israel are therefore working on natural treatment methods against head lice.
They have formulated the concept of using olive oil to remove them.
In a laboratory test they took five-to-six lice from an infested hair and put them in warm olive oil.
The lice were dead in a matter of minutes.
•Cleaning furniture and upholstery: Once there is the onset of lice within your family, it is advisable to clean all furniture, clothing, curtains, blankets and towels.
Children playing with toys can be infested as well as they share them with each other.
Cleaning them is a good option.
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends washing every substance that encounters the head of a person before 24-48 hours after the infestation.
The infected substances can be collected and put in a plastic bag for a few days.
This will ensure that the lice starve to death.
Preventing re-infestation: Once you undergo the treatment, consult your pediatrician to ensure you do not have live lice in your head.
Hair oil and spray products are available to avoid re-infestation of them.
They have to be taken for a period of five-to-six days to cast out head lice out of your family.