Health & Medical Anxiety

Control Anxiety Attacks - 3 Tips to Help You Control Panic Attacks

We all tend to experience some form of anxiety or stress in our lives.
However, there are some people who finding controlling these feelings becomes a lot more difficult.
For those who regularly suffer anxiety attacks there are things that they can do which can help to control or even prevent them happening.
In this article we offer a few tips on how to stop anxiety attacks before they take control of one's life completely.
Tip 1 - Learn To Control Your Breathing - By learning to control the way you breathe when an attack happens will actually prevent your mind from focusing on it too much.
It is important that you breathe very slowly and deeply when you start to feel anxious or stressed as this will ensure that you body starts to relax.
Although this is a very simple way of helping to prevent an anxiety attack it is also one of the most effective.
Tip 2 - Remove Stimulants From Your Diet - By reducing the amount of caffeine or sugar you consume can have a very big effect on helping to stop attacks of this type.
You need to be aware that your levels of alertness and arousal are much higher when an anxiety attack takes place and having too much caffeine in your diet only stimulates this more.
Tip 3 - Exercise - What a great many people who suffer from anxiety attacks do not realize is that regular exercise can help.
Again when a person becomes anxious their energy and adrenaline levels increase but by exercising they can bring these down and so help to prevent the attack from becoming any worse.
Plus as with the breathing technique exercise is ensuring that your mind is becoming focused on something else other than the attack.

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