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Reason to Seek Help When Someone Falls

When it is snowing, one of the fears the people has, especially elderly people is falling and this in understandable, because a fall can create problems that no one is happy to deal with.
Babies who are learning to walk, children who are riding on their bicycles and the list goes on, are all opportunities for a fall and this is why parents are always saying to their children, "be careful.
" This is also one of the reasons why the government and some employers have and are spending money to ensure that their workers are safe.
Prevention is always better that cures and when it is snowing it is best to remain indoors unless you have to go outdoors and when you are there, it is best to put on as much safety gears as you can.
When it come to babies, apart from making and keeping our homes safe for them, keeping our eyes on them twenty-four-seven and a lot of prayers will keep them.
As for our children who are playing outdoors on their bicycles etc.
teaching them how to play safe and prayers too, because, when we witness some of the things that they do, they can cause use to fall from fear.
Nevertheless, moving on, prevention is always better than cure.
If you are there when someone falls, you call for medical help without moving them much or at all.
A Seizure If someone has fallen to the floor as a result of a seizure and he/she is not moving, do not try to move him/her, call for medical assistance.
Unconsciousness If the person is or was unconscious for a little while, call for some help and do try to move him/her.
Although he/she may seem to be alright after regain consciousness, do not leave it at that, it is better to have a medical personal look at him/her and give the okay before doing anything else.
Breathing A person who is having difficulty breathing after suffer a fall will need immediate attention.
A rib could have been broken or something just as, or even more serious may have happened, do not "give it a few minutes to see how it goes.
" It might get worst.
Get some help.
On the other hand, if he/she is not breathing and you know how to do it, perform CPR on him/her until professional help arrive.
Injuries If you can see or you suspect that the person is injured, this is quite straightforward, call for some help immediately.
Any hit to the head, stomach and back should certainly not be ignored.
Bleeding If blood is coming out of the mouth, ears and nose or any form of liquids, this requires immediate help.

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