Health & Medical stomach,intestine & Digestive disease

Yes! You can Stop and Reverse Your Acid Reflux Without Drugs

What is acid reflux and where does GERD come from? GERD is related to the phenomenon where the stomach pushes liquid, acids and juices "the wrong way" into the esophagus.
Often triggered after consuming food, heartburn, the burning feeling in the mid-chest is one of the most frequent signs of the more complex syndrome, which is GERD (Gastro esophageal reflux disease) or acid reflux.
The liquid that gets back into the esophagus then attacks the esophageal lining, corroding and burning the tissue because of the stomach contents of acid as well as bile, pepsin and other digestive enzymes.
If nothing prevents the acid substances from moving up into the esophagus, then over time significant injury can occur to the esophagus and further complications will arise.
It is the weakening of the LES, the lower esophageal sphincter, or lack of synchronization (remaining open when it should be shut) that means that acidic stomach content can flow back into the esophagus.
The esophagus itself is a tube composed of muscle, which passes food from the mouth to the stomach, by phased muscular movements.
The LES is at the bottom of the esophagus and should normally operate as a one-way valve, opening automatically to let food into the stomach, then closing to block stomach content from moving back into the esophageal tube.
Acid reflux significance is determined by three factors: · The muscular effectiveness of the LES.
· The type and quantity of stomach contents .
· The natural ability of esophagus muscles to reject back such content from the bottom of the esophagus.
It has also been noted among sufferers of heartburn that the liquid stomach content comes into contact with the esophageal lining and remains there for a longer period than is the case for people who are not victims of acid reflux.
It is remarkable that with most individuals who are victims of acid reflux, the concentration of acid compared to stomach contents is greater than for non-victims of acid reflux.
In addition, when awake and upright, gravity helps the body to keep the stomach liquids in the stomach.
The body also uses saliva as a means of protecting the esophagus.
The saliva contains water, enzymes, mucus and electrolytes to neutralize the corrosive effects that acid reflux might have in the esophagus.
Nonetheless, at night when saliva production falls to a low point, when gravity is no longer a help and swallowing decreases while the body is horizontal, the reflux liquids remain in the esophagus for longer and increase corrosion and injury to the esophageal lining.
GERD is a complicated phenomenon and much more than one factor is involved.
This explains why physicians still find this chronic ailment so hard to manage when limited to conventional over the counter or prescribed medicaments.
Fortunately, there are alternative treatments - the holistic remedy that treats the root cause and then brings back the natural inner gastric and esophageal environmental balance.

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