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According to a new analysis and research study, it is found that a saliva compound along with various other commonly found proteins in the muscles and blood can provide quality protection to the human cells from the toxins that are powerful in nature and found in coffee, tea and the flavoring liquid smoke.
The new study was led by the John Hopkins Cancer Center investigators. They found that in the Chemical and Food toxicology, it is suggested that the people have the natural launching of defenses on multiple mode against the plant chemicals known as the pyrogallol like polyphenols or the PLPs that are actually found in those liquid smoke, coffee and tea.
The active presence of the defensive properties actually cause helping and explaining why the PLPs are no more crippling cells and causing one with illness as it can be expected from its toxic punches, stated by one of the researcher.
During the last year, investigator Scott Kern, a M.D at Johns Hopkins along with his colleagues could demonstrate that the PLPs which are found in daily based consumable foods and flavorings could be a cause of significant damage that may cause breaking of the DNA strands which is the carrier of every genetic information. It was found that the impacts from these toxins were so strong that in some of the cases, the producing of damage of the chemotherapy related drugs that were delivered to the cancer affected patients. If these types of chemicals are in a wide spread position where they have inputs in the type of coffee, tea and flavorings, they can cause complete damaging of the DNA to a very high degree. According to Kern, it was thought that there might be certain defense process that can help in protection on daily basis from the plants that one chooses to eat.
According to Kern and the team colleagues, it was found out that a type of enzyme in one's saliva which is known as alpha-amylase, muscle protein - myoglobin and albumin- blood protein, which are all the protected cells from the breakage of DNA caused by the tea, isolated kind of PLPs and the coffee. The researchers also made identification in the amount of the damages of DNA in cells by checking the high activity levels of the gene named p53. These genes actually help in repairing the damaged DNA. According to the research team, it was bit of an easy task involved in uncovering these substances of protective nature against tested therapeutic drugs for cancer which also suggests that there might be many layers of the defenses against such toxins. The researcher also specified that the saliva enzyme and proteins did not cause protection to the drugs related to the chemotherapeutic drugs which can also be cause damage to the DNA.
On a surprising note, these cells actually did not require the protectors of protein post a time of getting exposed to the toxin.
The researchers actually are planning to make exploration of how myoglobin, salivary alpha-amylase and albumin can protect one against the PLSs and cause defensive mechanisms against each other.
The new study was led by the John Hopkins Cancer Center investigators. They found that in the Chemical and Food toxicology, it is suggested that the people have the natural launching of defenses on multiple mode against the plant chemicals known as the pyrogallol like polyphenols or the PLPs that are actually found in those liquid smoke, coffee and tea.
The active presence of the defensive properties actually cause helping and explaining why the PLPs are no more crippling cells and causing one with illness as it can be expected from its toxic punches, stated by one of the researcher.
During the last year, investigator Scott Kern, a M.D at Johns Hopkins along with his colleagues could demonstrate that the PLPs which are found in daily based consumable foods and flavorings could be a cause of significant damage that may cause breaking of the DNA strands which is the carrier of every genetic information. It was found that the impacts from these toxins were so strong that in some of the cases, the producing of damage of the chemotherapy related drugs that were delivered to the cancer affected patients. If these types of chemicals are in a wide spread position where they have inputs in the type of coffee, tea and flavorings, they can cause complete damaging of the DNA to a very high degree. According to Kern, it was thought that there might be certain defense process that can help in protection on daily basis from the plants that one chooses to eat.
According to Kern and the team colleagues, it was found out that a type of enzyme in one's saliva which is known as alpha-amylase, muscle protein - myoglobin and albumin- blood protein, which are all the protected cells from the breakage of DNA caused by the tea, isolated kind of PLPs and the coffee. The researchers also made identification in the amount of the damages of DNA in cells by checking the high activity levels of the gene named p53. These genes actually help in repairing the damaged DNA. According to the research team, it was bit of an easy task involved in uncovering these substances of protective nature against tested therapeutic drugs for cancer which also suggests that there might be many layers of the defenses against such toxins. The researcher also specified that the saliva enzyme and proteins did not cause protection to the drugs related to the chemotherapeutic drugs which can also be cause damage to the DNA.
On a surprising note, these cells actually did not require the protectors of protein post a time of getting exposed to the toxin.
The researchers actually are planning to make exploration of how myoglobin, salivary alpha-amylase and albumin can protect one against the PLSs and cause defensive mechanisms against each other.