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YMCA Preschool Activities


    • Preschoolers are introduced to teamwork and being part of a team at the YMCA. They learn the basic rules of games such as basketball, soccer and floor hockey. While keeping score and winning are not emphasized, being part of a team environment and letting everyone play together are lessons the YMCA teaches. Preschoolers learn how to play the game properly and to respect their coaches and referees.


    • In YMCA preschool activities, children get to express their artistic side. They learn color pictures and advance their artistic skills with craftsy cutting and pasting. The kids design craft items for holidays throughout the year such as Christmas tree ornaments and flags for July 4th. They also create handmade gifts for their parents on occasions such as Father's Day and Mother's Day.


    • Children start to learn to read at the preschool level at the YMCA. Teachers read books to the classes. and the kids are encouraged to learn the words in the story and read parts of it out loud to their classmates. They also spend time making up their own stories and then sharing the story with classmates and the teachers.


    • Children learn to be responsible and dependable by performing various classroom chores throughout the year at the YMCA. Children rare given such tasks helping with snacks and meals, holding the door for the rest of the class and leading the class in activities such as saying the Pledge of Allegiance and lining up to go outside. The assignments for each child vary day to day, allowing each child to experience all of them.

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