How To Find Phone Numbers
There are a lot of ways to find the phone numbers you are looking for.
Here are some of the most effective ones.
Online Telephone Directories When looking for the numbers, your best bet is the World Wide Web.
It is home to much information that you cannot usually find in books or your regular directory.
You can find reliable websites.
There are actually lots of web-based residential directories.
However, you should choose those that have complete information.
It beats calling the British Telecom directory and asking for the phone number.
Thanks to the telecom deregulation law that has since been established, you can now get the numbers from private organisations and companies.
The benefit of using this service is that it does not only allow you to search for the numbers, you can also find people or allow you to conduct address search.
The results are more accurate because they make use of the information on the electoral roll.
If you are looking for someone who is over 18 years of age, you should be able to find that person in such online directories.
What is great about these directories is that you can check them out with your PDA devices or gadgets.
If you have a smartphone or an iPhone, you can easily check out the websites even when you are on the road.
For as long as you are connected to the internet, you should gain access to these directories.
Use search engines This still makes use of the internet.
Search engines are very reliable but they do not narrow down your search quickly unlike the previous method.
If you want to find people, just type their complete name in the search box of the search engine.
Information should pop up especially if the person has accounts in networking sites such as Facebook or Twitter.
You can also check out if they have blogs and email addresses.
Once you have found the person you are looking for, you can either send them a message or follow them on the said networking sites and contact them.
Use VoIP Lots of people not use VoIP or Voice over Internet Protocol.
Instant messaging systems have incorporated VoIP services already.
Most VoIP services have people-finding search systems in them.
More often than not, the users have also added information on their phone numbers and address here.
You can narrow down your search by making an address search first or just keying the complete name of the person you are looking for.
Information about the person should pop up if the profile is made public.
You can add the person to your VoIP account, call the person or send the person a message to let them know you have been looking for them.
Social networking sites If all else fails, you can always turn to social networking sites.
Unless the person you are trying to get in contact with is living under a rock or is has an aversion to social networking sites, you can find them online.
If you have an account in these sites, it should be pretty easy finding them.
Most people indicate their numbers in the information boxes but others prefer not to add their contact numbers.
It is up to you to send them a message and try to contact them via phone.
These networking sites also have chat features.
If the person you are trying to contact is online, you can chat with them and ask them their contact numbers.
Many users change their name in networking sites.
They either use a fake name or an alias.
If so, you might have a hard time finding them.
Try using the address search.
It helps narrow down your options.
Finding phone numbers online is much easier thanks to these technologies.
Use them wisely and make sure you do a comprehensive research.
Online residential directories offer complete information as the information can get there comes from the list of voters.
If you want to find people, do an address search and know their telephone number, you should be able to find more success in residential directories.
Here are some of the most effective ones.
Online Telephone Directories When looking for the numbers, your best bet is the World Wide Web.
It is home to much information that you cannot usually find in books or your regular directory.
You can find reliable websites.
There are actually lots of web-based residential directories.
However, you should choose those that have complete information.
It beats calling the British Telecom directory and asking for the phone number.
Thanks to the telecom deregulation law that has since been established, you can now get the numbers from private organisations and companies.
The benefit of using this service is that it does not only allow you to search for the numbers, you can also find people or allow you to conduct address search.
The results are more accurate because they make use of the information on the electoral roll.
If you are looking for someone who is over 18 years of age, you should be able to find that person in such online directories.
What is great about these directories is that you can check them out with your PDA devices or gadgets.
If you have a smartphone or an iPhone, you can easily check out the websites even when you are on the road.
For as long as you are connected to the internet, you should gain access to these directories.
Use search engines This still makes use of the internet.
Search engines are very reliable but they do not narrow down your search quickly unlike the previous method.
If you want to find people, just type their complete name in the search box of the search engine.
Information should pop up especially if the person has accounts in networking sites such as Facebook or Twitter.
You can also check out if they have blogs and email addresses.
Once you have found the person you are looking for, you can either send them a message or follow them on the said networking sites and contact them.
Use VoIP Lots of people not use VoIP or Voice over Internet Protocol.
Instant messaging systems have incorporated VoIP services already.
Most VoIP services have people-finding search systems in them.
More often than not, the users have also added information on their phone numbers and address here.
You can narrow down your search by making an address search first or just keying the complete name of the person you are looking for.
Information about the person should pop up if the profile is made public.
You can add the person to your VoIP account, call the person or send the person a message to let them know you have been looking for them.
Social networking sites If all else fails, you can always turn to social networking sites.
Unless the person you are trying to get in contact with is living under a rock or is has an aversion to social networking sites, you can find them online.
If you have an account in these sites, it should be pretty easy finding them.
Most people indicate their numbers in the information boxes but others prefer not to add their contact numbers.
It is up to you to send them a message and try to contact them via phone.
These networking sites also have chat features.
If the person you are trying to contact is online, you can chat with them and ask them their contact numbers.
Many users change their name in networking sites.
They either use a fake name or an alias.
If so, you might have a hard time finding them.
Try using the address search.
It helps narrow down your options.
Finding phone numbers online is much easier thanks to these technologies.
Use them wisely and make sure you do a comprehensive research.
Online residential directories offer complete information as the information can get there comes from the list of voters.
If you want to find people, do an address search and know their telephone number, you should be able to find more success in residential directories.