Home & Garden Swimming Pools & Water Fountains & Ponds

Determining If You"re Allowed to Install a Hot Tub

The first thing to do is decide which size of hot tub you want to buy.
Hot tubs that seat 2-4 people can sometimes have current requirements of 110 V or less, making it possible to plug them into a standard outlet.
This will save you a lot of regulation hassle, as local electrical codes will not apply to your hot tub's installation.
If you want a larger hot tub, you will likely have to cite the bullet and install a new 240 V circuit, which will require an electrical inspection to ensure compliance with electrical codes.
Installing a new circuit will also necessitate digging a trench in your yard.
This trench will have to be of a certain depth, as determined by your local electrical codes.
You will have to call an excavation hotline before digging to make sure that your planned trench will not cross any buried utilities.
If you are wiring up a new 240 V circuit, you will also have to make sure that your house's electrical provider can handle the extra load.
You may want to call your electrical provider to check the maximum load available to you.
If it is less than 200 amps, it is likely that a new 240 V circuit hooked up to a hot tub will go over your load limit.
Most counties and municipalities post their building codes online.
Some people just check these online codes, ensure compliance, and proceed, but this can lead to problems.
Certain neighborhoods also maintain specific building codes that are even more restrictive.
If you live in a planned community of condo complex, you may want to schedule a meeting with a community planner or a member of your condo board to make sure that your hot tub will be allowed.
Even if you just live in a normal neighborhood, it is probably worth your time to schedule a meeting with a city or town planner to make sure you're not violating any provisions by installing a hot tub.
The long and the short of it is that you should consult those in the know.
Scheduling meetings with electrical inspectors, condo boards, and municipal planners will save you hours and hours of reading through complex, overlapping building codes.
Those who enforce codes for a living know them inside and out, and are usually happy to help you learn about them.
Learning about the codes before buying a useful hot tub can save you a lot of time and money in the long run.

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