Bottle Warmer Instructions
- Always read the manufacturer's instructions that accompany any kind of appliance you purchase. Most bottle warmers are set up and used in the same way.
Start by determining a safe place to use the warmer. While it can be used anywhere in your home, it must sit on a flat surface in an area where there is no risk of it getting pulled down onto the floor. Be sure to put it where no one will trip over the electrical cord. Even though it seems like a fairly harmless appliance, it does heat water that could cause burns if accidentally spilled.
Fill the warmer to the designated fill line according to the directions. Some warmers have both an electrical plug and an off/on switch. Others have only the plug. - When it's time to heat your baby's bottle, check to be sure the water in the warmer is up to the fill line. Plug it in and/or turn the switch on. The water in the warmer will quickly come to a boil and warm the bottle. Leave the bottle in the warmer for about a minute, or according to manufacturer's instructions.
Unplug or turn off the warmer and test the contents of the bottle for the correct temperature. Some people do this by squirting a few drops onto the inside of the wrist, while others prefer to actually test a few drops on their tongue. - Wipe down the inside and outside of the warmer as necessary, using a damp cloth and mild dish soap. You also may use disinfectant wipes for cleaning.
Change the water in the bottle warmer every day.
Every few weeks it is a good idea to clean the interior of the warming unit. Rather than filling it with water, use white vinegar instead. Fill to the same line as you would with water. Run the unit until the vinegar is steaming. Dump the vinegar and rinse the unit with cold water once or twice.