Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

All in 1 Natural Medicinal Herb: Shilajit

Shilajit is one the important Ayurvedic compounds that rejuvenates the body.
Shilajit is believe to be first discovered in Modern times by British Explorer Sir Martin Edward Stanley during 1870 -the time when India and Nepal were part of the British Empire.
It contains more than 85 minerals in ionic form and the active principle fulvic acid, humic acid, hippuric acid and benzopyrones.
It is used to treat diabetes and various urinary problems.
When combined with other herbs it enhances its effect.
It is believed to have beneficial effects on the kidneys, urinary system and reproductive organs.
It is considered as an aphrodisiac that is used in the treatment of impotency and infertility of both men and women.
In Sanskrit shilajit means 'feel likerock' as it has the power of a rock to reverse the process of aging.
The Indian and ancient Chinese literature mentioned shilajit as Amrit and Fountain of Youth.
It is widely used by the Indian yogis of Himalayan region to have the stamina and body structure of a youth.
The ancient medical literature described shilajit as conqueror of mountains and destroyer of weakness.
It is considered as an anecdote for anxiety and stress.
Its regular intake promotes the movement of various minerals like calcium, phosphorus and magnesium into the bones and tissues.
The active principle in shilajit fulvic acid regenerates and prolongs the duration of essential nutrients in the cells.
Fulvic acid restores electrical balance to damaged cells, neutralizes toxins and eliminates food poisoning in a short duration.
Shilajit prevents the release of histamine in the blood that helps in the prevention of various allergies in the body.
Shilajit provides iron to the body that is necessary for the making of red blood cells (RBCs).
It also acts as a stimulant for immune system.
Shilajit enhances protein and nucleic acid metabolism that acts as a catalyst for the energy proving reactions.
It is a strong kidney tonic and is also considered the best for sexual and spiritual power.
It is commonly referred to as Indian Viagra.
It enhances the effect of nitric oxide to produce as erection in males.
It has beneficial liver protecting effects that balances the cholesterol and sugar levels in the body.
It acts as an adaptogenic agent that helps the body to cope with stress causing environment.
Therefore, it is also considered as an anti-stress agent.
It improves the functioning of pancreas, increases the blood circulation and strengthens the digestive system.
It is also used in the treatment of hypothyroidism as it controls the activity of thyroid gland.
In regional folk medicine, shilajit is a reputed rasayana believed to reverse the process of ageing and prolong life.
It is also used to treat various conditions ranging from ulcers and asthma, to diabetes and rheumatism.
Over sixty years of clinical research have shown that shilajit has positive effects on humans.
It improves memory and cognitive ability, reduces allergies and respiratory problems, reduces stress, and relieves digestive troubles.
It has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties and eliminates free radicals responsible for various health problems in the body.
The research proves that shilajit increases immunity, physical strength, and endurance.
Its regular intake returns the libido of individuals to the level of teenagers.
It increases the live cell counts in the male reproductive system hormones.
In brief it can be said that shilajit is highly beneficial for general body health, strengthening of immune system, arthritis, hypertension, anti-aging, controlling blood sugar levels, improved brain functioning, obesity, bone and tissue healing, kidney problems, urinary tract problems and injury healing.
Shilajit is considered as the main component in ayurvedic medicines that aids the curing of various health problems.

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