Health & Medical Nutrition

A Simple Reminder About Why It"s Good to Eat Your Food Organic and Raw

Eating a high enzyme diet consisting of raw fruits and vegetables, sprouted seeds, nuts, grains and some seaweed will profoundly increase your chance of achieving optimal health.
Eating predominantly cooked food puts a tremendous strain on the body.
To understand why this is true, you need to understand the role enzymes play.
Enzymes are in the cells of every living plant and animal.
It is enzyme activity that accomplishes all biological work from blinking an eye, to lifting a finger, to having a thought.
When we eat, we need enzymes to help digest the food.
If the food we are eating is raw-whether it is a rutabaga, a carrot, a lettuce leaf or a trout-all the enzymes we need are right there in the food itself, ready to go to work for us.
If the food is cooked beyond 118 0 Fahrenheit (48 0 C), however, these naturally occurring enzymes are killed by heat, and our body must manufacture its own digestive enzymes to do the job.
Is this a problem? Raw fooders believe it is.
The father of the food enzyme concept, Dr.
Edward Howell, argued that when the body is busy digesting food, it is unable to divert the energy necessary to make the type of enzymes needed to do other tasks.
There is a tug-of-war between the demands of the digestive system for a constant supply of digestive enzymes and the needs of the body for the metabolic enzymes vital for cleansing, healing and building.
Without an adequate supply of metabolic enzymes, over time, we suffer.
What does this suffering look like? It looks like disease, indigestion, constipation, age spots, fatigue, lethargy, wrinkles, bad skin, declining eyesight, declining memory, mood swings, irritability, allergies, brain fog and candida.
This decline in health is usually attributed solely to 'aging.
' But it is really the result of two facts: over time, the body loses its ability to manufacture enzymes (young adults have thirty times the enzymes of the.
elderly); and, when we eat food that is cooked, it forces our bodies to manufacture enzymes for digestion, instead of enzymes that could be used for healing.
Ultimately, when we don't have enough enzymes to carry out the basic needs of life, we die.
The SAD (Standard American Diet) of meat, bread, dairy, processed and cooked foods, caffeine and alcohol is not only totally enzymeless, it also creates an acid state in the body which causes a variety of health problems.
On the cellular level, our body needs to be in a predominantly alkali state to take in nutrients and oxygen efficiently and expel toxins.
Why Organic? All truth passes through three stages: First, it is ridiculed.
Second it is violently opposed.
Third it is accepted as being self-evident.
Schopenhauer Until recently, people bought their groceries at their favorite supermarket and didn't think much about it.
Now, more and more consumers are seeking out organic food and with good reason.
Environmental pollution has put more stress on our bodies than ever before in history.
And chemicals never meant for human consumption may be found in every step of the food chain.
There has been an exponential growth in the use of artificial fertilizers and pesticides since World War II.
Farmers are applying ever-increasing amounts of chemicals to our crops.
One of the things these chemicals do is kill the microoorganisms that would normally break the soil down to release plant nutrients.
This is one of the reasons that food grown today is less nutritious than it was even twenty years ago.
When you read the packaged food labels in any supermarket, you will see that a profusion of chemicals have been developed to preserve food and prolong shelf life, even though no one knows what will happen with those chemicals in the human body over time or from generation to generation.
Based on this evidence, more and more people are coming to the same conclusion: To enjoy optimal health we need to seek out the most nutritious, natural, chemical free foods we can find-and this means buying as much organic as possible.

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