Health & Medical Women's Health

Freedom From Being Plagued By Ovarian Cysts

If you suffer from ovarian cysts frequently with the resulting pain and discomfort, you are probably looking for treatment options that will allow you to declare freedom from being plagued by ovarian cysts. More on effective treatments for ovarian cysts later. To begin;

What are Ovarian Cysts?

There are many types of ovarian cysts. The main types of cysts of the ovaries are follicular or functional ovarian cysts, corpus luteal ovarian cysts and endometrioma or chocolate cysts. Of these three, the follicular or functional ovarian cysts are the most common. Cysts of the ovaries are defined as fluid filled sacs or follicles found on or in the ovaries. They mainly contain fluid but the more severe ones may contain fragments of hair, teeth or bone.

Most cysts are usually harmless and depart on their own after a few weeks or months. In some cases the woman may not even realize that she had or has any cysts. Some other cysts however, may rupture and bleed or cause pain and discomfort in the pelvic area. Others may need to be removed through surgery.

Women usually have two ovaries on each side of the uterus that produce and release eggs each month. One ovary usually produces and releases one egg per month. This process usually leads to the start of the menstrual cycle. Each egg is housed is a sac also known as a follicle. When this egg matures, it is released to be fertilized or to be discarded if fertilization does not occur through the menstrual cycle. When fertilization does not occur, the menstrual cycle starts in order to discard all contents of the uterus.

A cyst of the ovary will usually occur in one ovary when the sac containing the egg does not rupture and release the egg or some other malfunction. The fluid in the sac usually turns into a cyst when this happens and continues to grow until it goes away on its own or ruptures leading to pelvic pain that may last up to a day. It can grow to any size. The most common ones are usually small in size.

Functional Cysts - They are called functional cysts because they result as a response to a menstrual cycle that is normal. These are the most common and are usually small. These do not usually produce any symptoms and usually disappear on their own without the need for medical intervention unless they rapture or grow big which is rare.

Corpus Luteal Cysts - These cysts of the ovaries result from a sac that releases its egg but does not dissolve thereafter but instead changes into a hormone producing yellow body known as corpus luteal. It may rapture during sexual intercourse, or during the last day or two of your menstrual cycle when they are at their largest.

Endometriomas or Chocolate Cysts - Endometriomas of the ovaries is a disease process that occurs when a cyst is formed due to the lining of the tissue of the uterus better known as the endometrial tissue being present on one or both of the ovaries. It mainly affects women of child bearing age and may lead to chronic pelvic pain that is associated with the menstrual cycle. Many small cysts are produced in response to the hormone stimulation that occurs during a normal menstrual cycle. These small cysts can then occupy and in some cases replace the normal ovarian tissue. Endometriomas cysts are usually filled with dark, reddish-brown blood.

Endometriosis refers to the presence of endometrial glands and tissue outside of the uterus and may lead to infertility because endometriomas usually interferes with the normal follicular development and ovulation.

Ovarian Cysts Treatment

Ovarian cysts are usually discovered during a normal pelvic exam. An ultra sound and x-rays may also be used to diagnose cysts of the ovaries. A blood test may also be suggested and used in cases were endometriomas is suspected.

With traditional medicine, the doctor may opt to simply monitor the growth of the cysts to note any changes and whether they disappear or not after a period of time using an ultrasound.

Prescription medicines may be prescribed. The medication prescribed is usually birth control pills that are used to regulate and normalize the menstrual cycle and hormone levels in order to prevent follicles from becoming cysts as well as to reduce the size of current ovarian cysts.

Anti-inflammatory pain killers that contain ibuprofen and other pain medication may be recommended to reduce or eliminate the pelvic pain. Prescription pain medication may be prescribed for the more severe and chronic pain resulting from these cysts.

Holistic Treatments for Ovarian Cysts

Holistic treatments for ovarian cysts seek to treat not only the symptoms of cysts of the ovaries (traditional medicine approach) but seek to also treat and cure the root cause of ovarian cysts in order to cure and prevent ovarian cysts from occurring. The natural or holistic approaches use ingredients that you can obtain easily from local health stores. This approach also recommends the adoption of a healthier lifestyle to ensure freedom from being plagued by ovarian cysts. This approach does not lead to any side effects from prescription medications and surgery and is the least expensive method for the treatment and cure of cysts.

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