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2008 MTV Video Music Awards - Gossip and Updates

For starters, I'm surprised that MTV wasn't more organized for the 2008 Video Music Awards show. Jamie Foxx couldn't tell when to announce Britney's first win, Demi Moore didn't have a microphone, the Pussycat Dolls got lost, and Paris Hilton had no clue where to look. I must admit that I still watched every minute and even taped my favorite parts. Here's the rundown on the 2008 MTV VMAs.

1. Russell Brand Hosts

I'd like to know who put Russell Brand in charge of running this crazy fiasco. He’s not even from the US, but Russell ranted and raved about the American political system to no end. Between the Bush and Obama comments, I thought I was watching the political conventions. I couldn't find that mute button fast enough. His comments were often inappropriate and not very funny at all.

2. Britney Spears Opens

What was the deal with Britney Spears and that opening performance? I love Jonah Hill, but their joint "comedy" routine was barely tolerable. In Brit's brief intro, you couldn't even see her talking; the microphone covered her mouth for the entire six-second cameo. However, she did clean up nicely, taking home three awards. Why was she so overly hung up on thanking the guy upstairs when accepting her awards? He didn't seem to be in her zip code when she was on the verge of insanity.

3. Musical Performances

In one word, the musical performances of the night were disappointing. After coming off that birthday cake platform, Rihanna barely used her singing skills and mostly just gyrated. Russell Brand called her act mind bending, but I found it mind burning. Christina Aguilera's lip-syncing was beyond obvious, although her montage of songs was entertaining. I felt Kanye's closing act with that hot new track was missing something. Surprisingly, Kid Rock's performance with Lil' Wayne was the shining light in an otherwise dim show.

4. Fashion Statements

There were several fashion statements made at the show and not all of them were cute. Samantha Ronson must have rubbed off on Lindsay Lohan, as her presenting outfit was a tuxedo-like halter top with black slacks. Katy Perry's short shorts were, well, short. Britney went for a silver theme, wearing two nearly identical dresses in a span of two hours. Lil' Wayne's pants might as well have been touching the floor, and Pink's leather ensemble was dangerously low-cut.

5. Sex and Pregnancy

Sex and pregnancy seemed to be a running theme at the 2008 VMAs. First, newlyweds Ashlee Simpson and Pete Wentz gushed on and on about their unborn child. Russell Brand commented on the Jonas Brothers' promise rings, saying something like, "a little bit of sex here and there is a good thing." Jordin Sparks countered on stage with "not everyone wants to be a slut," and the crowd went wild. I really thought a fight might break out.

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