Repair Windows Registry - Should I Repair Manually Or With a Cleaner?
If your computer runs a windows operating system then you have no doubt heard about the registry...
or soon will.
The registry is a database that stores information that the operating system uses to run in an efficient and seamless fashion.
The various versions of Windows from 3.
1 through to Vista are designed to take away the complexity of issuing commands to your computer to do various things like run a program, search for files, install updates and plenty of other things.
The operating systems uses a graphical interface that shields the user from any complexity.
However, if the operating system starts to go wrong, the performance of the computer is severely impacted.
One reason why the operating system can go wrong is because the registry database is compromised in some way.
Thus a possible solution to improving your computers performance is to repair Windows registry.
There are two ways to repair the registry.
You can run a program called regedit, that comes with the operating system or you can use a piece of software that automates or semi-automates the process.
Running regedit is easy.
Simply go to the command line and type in regedit.
But using it is not easy and not really advised unless you know what you are doing.
When I say know what you are doing, I really mean understand the structure of the registry.
The registry is a large database that is split into subsections known as hives.
Each entry of the data base has a key and a value.
The key is the location in the database and the value is a value (name/data pair) that is used by the operating system to do a particular function.
Over time these values become redundant as various things are done on the computer.
Hence the registry can become bloated with redundant entries which slows down the operation of the computer.
Unless you know where the redundant entries are or what entries need to be deleted or modified it is not advisable to do any manual modification using regedit.
A better option is to use registry cleanup software.
Registry cleanup software, commonly referred to as registry cleaners, search through the registry looking for odd entries.
Depending on how the software is programmed, it can pick up on various entries that may be causing problems.
Good cleaning software will give you more information on why the entry is causing a problem and highlight how serious the potential problem is for your computer.
Ultimately the software leaves the final decision about whether to delete the entry up to you, the user.
This is important as deleting entries can potential cause as many problems as it solves.
The quality of a cleaning program is how intelligent it is when making this analysis and the type of diagnostics that it returns.
The other important thing to do before altering the registry is to take a backup so that if any problems do result, a restore to a stable system can be done.
or soon will.
The registry is a database that stores information that the operating system uses to run in an efficient and seamless fashion.
The various versions of Windows from 3.
1 through to Vista are designed to take away the complexity of issuing commands to your computer to do various things like run a program, search for files, install updates and plenty of other things.
The operating systems uses a graphical interface that shields the user from any complexity.
However, if the operating system starts to go wrong, the performance of the computer is severely impacted.
One reason why the operating system can go wrong is because the registry database is compromised in some way.
Thus a possible solution to improving your computers performance is to repair Windows registry.
There are two ways to repair the registry.
You can run a program called regedit, that comes with the operating system or you can use a piece of software that automates or semi-automates the process.
Running regedit is easy.
Simply go to the command line and type in regedit.
But using it is not easy and not really advised unless you know what you are doing.
When I say know what you are doing, I really mean understand the structure of the registry.
The registry is a large database that is split into subsections known as hives.
Each entry of the data base has a key and a value.
The key is the location in the database and the value is a value (name/data pair) that is used by the operating system to do a particular function.
Over time these values become redundant as various things are done on the computer.
Hence the registry can become bloated with redundant entries which slows down the operation of the computer.
Unless you know where the redundant entries are or what entries need to be deleted or modified it is not advisable to do any manual modification using regedit.
A better option is to use registry cleanup software.
Registry cleanup software, commonly referred to as registry cleaners, search through the registry looking for odd entries.
Depending on how the software is programmed, it can pick up on various entries that may be causing problems.
Good cleaning software will give you more information on why the entry is causing a problem and highlight how serious the potential problem is for your computer.
Ultimately the software leaves the final decision about whether to delete the entry up to you, the user.
This is important as deleting entries can potential cause as many problems as it solves.
The quality of a cleaning program is how intelligent it is when making this analysis and the type of diagnostics that it returns.
The other important thing to do before altering the registry is to take a backup so that if any problems do result, a restore to a stable system can be done.