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How to Measure Your Bra Size

Women everywhere complain about their bras pinching, sagging or being too tight. These are all signs that they are not wearing the right size of brassiere. Are you one of these women? If you are, then you need to know how to measure the right bra size for your body.

Once you know how to properly do this, then you can find the perfect bra size for your breasts. The band will no longer dig into your ribs and your breasts will fit better into the cups. Wearing your favorite bra style will no longer be a problem. In addition, your figure will be improved with the proper brassiere size.

Fitting Guide for All Bra Types

How to Take the Required Measurements for the Band and Bust

When measuring your bust for which bra size right for you, you need to use a cloth measuring tape. You may also get a close friend to help you, because it is a bit tricky to take your measurements yourself.

Wear your best fitting brassiere for these measurements. Adjust the straps so your breasts are not sagging. The tip of them should be even with the middle of your upper arms.

The first measurement to figure the size of your bra is taken around the underneath of the breasts and around to straight across the back to the starting point. Make sure to exhale completely and have your helper pull the measuring tape snug, but not too tight. You need to round this figure up to the next whole number and add one inch for odd numbers for bra sizes only come in even numbers.

Now to double check the above figure, take a measurement right under your armpits around your back and above your breasts. Again, round the number up to the next even number. Both measurements should match. This is the band part of the bra size.

The third measurement you take loosely around the fullest part of the bust. Starting in the middle of the front go around to the back and make sure the measuring tape goes straight across the back and meet back in the middle of the front. Take this measurement and subtract the band size from it. The resulting number will determine the cup size, as we will discuss next. It takes both the band and cup together to figure the correct bra size.

Cup Size

As discussed above the difference between the band and bust measurements determines the cup size. Examples of measurement differences in relation to US cup sizes are list below:
  • 1" or less - AA cup
  • 1" - A cup
  • 2" - B cup
  • 3" - C cup
  • 4" - D cup
  • 5" - DD or E cup (manufacturers differ on their cup designation with some cup sizes)
  • 6" - DDD or F cup
  • 7" - DDDD or G cup
  • 8" - DDDDD or H cup
  • 9" - DDDDDD or I cup
  • 10" - J cup
  • 11" - K cup
  • 12" - L cup
  • 13" - M cup
  • 14" - N cup

Manufacturers of bra sizes can vary in fit and comfort. You may have to try different brands to find the perfect bra for you. Also, European and UK sizing is a bit different then the US sizing, so know which type of sizing is being used. Most brassieres are clearly marked. There are many bra styles and we are discussing some of them next.

Various Bra Types

Various bra styles are available for purchase today. The style that is right for your best friend might not be right for you. Check out the descriptions below to help decide on what type of bra you will purchase next:

Full figure styles are meant for women with larger breasts. These have some padding on the underneath of the cup for support and at times have padded straps for more comfortable wear. The closures are made with three to four rows of eyes and hooks. This style can come in both underwire and wire-free models.

Minimizer styles position the breast in such a way as to make them appear smaller than they are. Some women with large breasts like this rather than the bras that make their bust line stand out more.

Average figure bras typically have narrow straps, the sides and back and the closures have two rows of hooks and eyes. These provide moderate support. If you breasts are not large, these bras will work fine.

Underwire bras come in a variety of styles and have wires or plastic ribs underneath each cup for added support. Some models are more comfortable than other ones. These are effective at supporting even heavy breasts.

Strapless bras provide the support without the use of straps. Proper bra size in these is crucial for them to work effectively.

Pushup bras give a little extra ump to breast. These can even take drooping breast a lift. This will accentuate the bust line and often allow the breasts to be seen a bit depending on how low cut the outer garment is.

You will have to decide which of the bra types is right for you shape and need. When you are dressed up, you may wear a different style then when you are lounging about the house. The correct bra size is equally important in either circumstance.

Benefits from Wearing the Correct Brassiere Size

You will see many benefits from buying the right size of bra. If your old bra was too tight, you could find you breathe easier with your new one that fits right. Also, you will not have the band painfully digging into your ribs. With your breast better contained within a bra, it could not only accentuate your bust, it could also make your waist appear smaller.

Over the years, breasts can sag and the proper bra size can prolong some of this from happening. This is probably the most important benefit from proper brassiere sizing. Your clothes will hang better on your body if your breasts are not bulging out in inappropriate places because your bra is too small.

Taking all this information into consideration you can see why it is important to know how to measure your bra size. You will look and feel more comfortable, along with safeguarding your breasts against premature sagging. Double check what size you need today!

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