Health & Medical Anxiety

4 Steps To Naturally Treat Anxiety

Anxiety gives you feeling of worry, fearfulness, and nervousness, and can produce panic attacks that can be devastating.
I want to tell you four steps that can cure your anxiety naturally.
These steps should be tried in the order given.
From personal experience this is what most helped me and I haven't experienced a panic attack since.
Also, I have never taken a prescription drug for anxiety.
On to the steps.
No Caffeine Caffeine is found in so many products today it's hard to keep up.
It's found in soft drinks, tea, chocolate, coffee, energy drinks, pain relieving medication, headache medication and more.
I could on and on.
Caffeine is a heart stimulate which increases heart rate very quickly.
Caffeine actually blocks an anti-anxiety receptor in the brain.
Some studies have found that the body has trouble distinguishing between caffeine and a hormone called adenosine, so when there is an influx of caffeine in the system, it confuses the body into thinking you're in a very stressful situation triggering instant panic attacks.
So give your nervous system a break, and lay off the caffeine.
Eat A Good Diet The purpose in eating good foods is to fill the body with the appropriate vitamins and minerals to help the brain and nervous system function the way it was meant too.
Arguably an imbalanced brain and nervous system are the leading cause for anxiety and panic attacks and the best way to get the proper nutrients is to eat the right food.
I recommend staying away from processed food completely and eating a 50% raw diet; the other 50% should be a nice balance of proteins and good fats.
Don't worry about the carbs because if you eat 50% raw, you will get plenty of carbs from fruits and vegetables.
Take A Good Multivitamin Taking vitamins for anxiety is a very important step.
Having the proper vitamins and minerals are crucial to keep the brain and nervous system in balance and functioning properly.
The absolute least thing you should do in the vitamin and supplement category is take a multivitamin.
After you get your diet on track the multivitamin will fill in the gaps for what you're missing from your diet.
Don't go cheap in this area.
Purchase a very high quality multivitamin and go heavy on the dosage.
Exercise Okay, this could be the hardest step of them all, because when you are having a high level of anxiety or even a panic attack the last thing you want to do is exercise.
Exercise will help relieve the tension and stress from day to day activities such as work, family, deadlines etc.
This step can be accomplished easily because we are not talking about hitting the gym for 2 hours a day - 5 days a week.
Everyday just take a simple 30 minute walk or bike ride, unplugged from the outside world.
Leave your cell phone, iPod, iPad, and tablet etc.
inside and just unplug for a an hour or so.
It will work wonders.
To recap, do these 4 steps "caffeine, diet, multivitamin, and exercise" in that order.
Dropping the caffeine stops the panic attack triggers.
Diet and multivitamins get the brain and nervous system back on track.
Last, exercise will relieve your tension and stress.
Follow these steps and you will have your life back without relying on prescription drugs.

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