Nine Easy Ways to Lose Weight, Live Healthier and Put Fitness Into Your Everyday Life
Take the time to enjoy the taste of the food you eat.
Many people seem to inhale their food instead of smell, taste, chew and enjoy it.
When you take just a few moments to enjoy your food, you may find out that you need less of it to satisfy you.
Eat when you're hungry and stop when you're satisfied, not stuffed or when the food is gone! If we all did this, no one would be overweight.
Eat a little less and move a little more.
Losing weight is like depositing to and withdrawing from a bank.
Take more out (exercise) than you put in (eat) and soon you'll have no reserves (fat!).
Believe that achieving your ideal body is an easy, step-by-step process.
We live in a "nano-second world and a drive-through culture.
" Many of us have lost the joy found in the process of achieving a worthwhile goal.
Today, choose to enjoy the process of your weight loss.
Rediscover the fun and pride of accomplishment.
Commit 100% to one healthy behavior.
When you commit 100% to anything, it makes that the easiest thing in the world to do.
Committing 99% or less makes it the most difficult thing--because you always have an "out".
Pick something that is not too difficult to do consistently--then do it! 6.
Eat healthy food when you're hungry.
Starving is not a healthy way to lose weight and keep it off.
Recent research shows that eating fresh, lighter foods is a good way to lose weight.
This means eating foods that contain a lot of water:melons, tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, grapes, oranges and radishes.
Any veggies that you can eat raw, eat them raw.
Join the "dirty plate club.
" The "clean plate club" is responsible for much of the obesity in this country.
Leaving food on your plate allows YOU to decide when to stop eating.
It's better to throw some food away than die of obesity related diseases.
Stretch more.
Our bodies LOVE to stretch.
Take some time and just luxuriate in a good stretch.
Your body will be very happy! 9.
Throw out unhealthy leftovers.
You may have food that is tempting you.
Just toss it.
End of temptation!
Take the time to enjoy the taste of the food you eat.
Many people seem to inhale their food instead of smell, taste, chew and enjoy it.
When you take just a few moments to enjoy your food, you may find out that you need less of it to satisfy you.
Eat when you're hungry and stop when you're satisfied, not stuffed or when the food is gone! If we all did this, no one would be overweight.
Eat a little less and move a little more.
Losing weight is like depositing to and withdrawing from a bank.
Take more out (exercise) than you put in (eat) and soon you'll have no reserves (fat!).
Believe that achieving your ideal body is an easy, step-by-step process.
We live in a "nano-second world and a drive-through culture.
" Many of us have lost the joy found in the process of achieving a worthwhile goal.
Today, choose to enjoy the process of your weight loss.
Rediscover the fun and pride of accomplishment.
Commit 100% to one healthy behavior.
When you commit 100% to anything, it makes that the easiest thing in the world to do.
Committing 99% or less makes it the most difficult thing--because you always have an "out".
Pick something that is not too difficult to do consistently--then do it! 6.
Eat healthy food when you're hungry.
Starving is not a healthy way to lose weight and keep it off.
Recent research shows that eating fresh, lighter foods is a good way to lose weight.
This means eating foods that contain a lot of water:melons, tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, grapes, oranges and radishes.
Any veggies that you can eat raw, eat them raw.
Join the "dirty plate club.
" The "clean plate club" is responsible for much of the obesity in this country.
Leaving food on your plate allows YOU to decide when to stop eating.
It's better to throw some food away than die of obesity related diseases.
Stretch more.
Our bodies LOVE to stretch.
Take some time and just luxuriate in a good stretch.
Your body will be very happy! 9.
Throw out unhealthy leftovers.
You may have food that is tempting you.
Just toss it.
End of temptation!