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TMJ Relief at Home

There are many people out there that suffer from TMJ, many of them don't realize that they are actually suffering from it. However, if you are suffering from headaches, popping in your jaw and facial and neck pain then there is a good chance that you are suffering from the condition. This can be incredibly painful, and for many people this can be extreme. In this article I want to share with you a couple of TMJ relief tips that work quickly. Not only are they going to provide you with fast TMJ relief, but all of these can be carried out in the comfort of your own home. Sadly though, there is no TMJ cure, you will be able to keep the problem at bay for the most part with these quick tips.

Perhaps the best TMJ treatment are exercises. These aren't going to be fast pain relief, but if you do them often, you should keep the problem at bay, and the pain is going to be significantly less when it does occur. There are various exercises out there on the internet (some of which can be found on this website) so I won't go into too much detail, however, the idea is that you are going to be stretching your neck muscles, as well as keeping that jaw properly aligned. They are simple exercises, but you will be surprised at just how effective they are.

If you are experiencing severe pain, then I suggest you start to massage your jaw joints. These are pretty much next to your ears. This will quickly stop the muscles going into spasm, and you will feel the pain start to dwindle away within a couple of minutes. Sadly though, it will return which is why it is important you take a little look at some of the other TMJ relief tips on this page.

The next option you have is either a hot or cool pad. Which one you use depends on what you actually respond to. There is not one option that is necessarily better than the other. My suggestion is to have 20 minutes of the hot pad, followed by 20 minutes of the cold one. It tends to have the best effect. Make sure that whatever you use to heat up your face isn't so hot to burn you, you will have a number of other problems to deal with if that is the case.

Over the Counter Pain Medication is going to be good. I suggest at the very minimum you take ibuprofen and Aspirin as these help to reduce the inflammation. Make sure you stick to the guidelines though. Remember, no matter how severe the pain is, you should not take more than the recommended dosage!

It may also help to change a couple of your habits. For example, if you are often find yourself leaning your head on your hands when sitting down, stop it. This is just putting pressure on the jaw. It is also suggested that you change your chair that you work on to provide you with a bit more support. Basically, you should try to identify anything which is going to cause too much stress to your neck joints.

Finally, try to eliminate stress in your life. Doctors have discovered that one of the biggest contributing factors to TMJ pain is actually stress, so the less stress you are, the less pain you will go through. I suggest looking into Yoga and other relaxation techniques to help you out.

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