Health & Medical Acne

How to Get Clear Skin Overnight - Simple Methods to Clearing Pimples As Fast As Possible

I've got bad news for you if you're searching for how to get clear skin overnight.
It simply cannot be accomplished.
Sure, you might be able to reduce the appearance of some breakouts, but they'll still be there.
Now while you can't get rid of your acne and pimples over night, there are some things you can do to help get rid of current breakouts in just a few days as well as do preventive maintenance on your body that will keep your skin clear forever.
So first things first, let's get rid of those pimples on your face right now.
Again it's impossible to learn how to get clear skin overnight; I've been doing this a long time and if anyone tells you otherwise, make sure you double check how much money you have in your wallet after you're done talking to them.
Now toothpaste is an age old remedy for helping get rid of pimples.
It helps dry them out and kill the bacteria which makes them go away more quickly.
I really wouldn't recommend toothpaste, however, because it can be overly drying at best and it doesn't really do much for you or your skin.
Some better methods would be to use baking soda, honey and aspirin.
For a normal baking soda scrub, you mix it with water to form a paste and then just lightly massage it onto your skin and then rinse it off.
But instead, we're going to put a nice, healthy dollop of our paste onto any pimples we have and let it sit there for 10-15 minutes to help dry out the pimples.
Next we're going to make a similar paste with aspirin pills; just crush them and mix with water.
We'll take that mixture and mix it with honey and let that sit on the pimple for another 10-15 minutes.
The aspirin clean the skin and the honey has soothing properties as well as antibacterial properties to help speed up the healing process.
Just one note for the process: opt for raw honey as it has more beneficial properties than processed honey.
While this isn't a definitive method for how to get clear skin overnight, it's much better and much more gentle than dabbing toothpaste onto your skin.
In the meantime, you should also be doing things to help your body clear away acne naturally.
Eating healthier foods and avoiding processed items as much as possible, drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day, exercising 3-6 times a week, getting enough sleep at night, all of these are great contributors for not only how to get clear skin, if not overnight, at least in a few days.
What's more is that they help prevent breakouts from ever occurring in the first place.

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