Health & Medical Food & Drink

How to Get Honeycombs out of Honey

    • 1). Scrape the gluey white substance off of the surface of the honeycomb frames with your knife. Inspect the honeycomb for any rotten sections - cut these off and throw away.

    • 2). Insert the frame onto the extractor, and turn on the extractor. Let it run through a cycle of spinning honey out of the honeycomb frame.

    • 3). Turn the extractor off and remove the frame. The honeycomb left on the frame should be returned to the bee box so the bees can continue to use it.

    • 4). Strain the honey through a filtering device or a nylon strainer into a dispensing tank. Heating the honey speeds up this process.

    • 5). Pick out any sizeable chunks of honeycomb that remain after the filtration process with your tongs. Place these in jars or storage bins to consume separately or with the honey.

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