Health & Medical Parenting

Autism And Asperger" s Syndrome

It is every parent's nightmare for a child to be born with some form of disability. In the case of most physical disabilities this can be obvious or at least quickly diagnosed by a doctor. However, less obvious are disabilities or abnormalities associated with the child's brain. Autism is such an abnormality and asperger's syndrome is a particular type of autism. Autism and asperger's syndrome in particular cannot usually be detected until the child has reached 18 months to 3 years of age. Asperger's syndrome may not become apparent until much later and sometimes into adulthood.

Asperger's syndrome (AS) is one of five neurobiological pervasive disorders (PDD) which collectively cover deficiencies in social and communication skills. Asperger's syndrome specifically identifies a person with normal to above normal intelligence compared with classic autism. As with classic autism, the asperger's syndrome person will have difficulty communicating and interacting with other people but is more specifically characterised by limited interests other than a preoccupation with a particular topic to the exclusion of all other topics. Other characteristics include repetitive behaviours or rituals, peculiarities in speech and language, socially and emotionally inappropriate behaviour and interpersonal interaction, problems with non verbal communication and clumsy and uncoordinated physical movements.

More simply, the characteristics of asperger's syndrome can be divided into three main categories: social impairments, narrow but intense interests and peculiarities of speech and language.

Many asperger's syndrome sufferers will experience difficulty in life and the progress of treatment will depend on how early in their life the condition was diagnosed, development of language skills, access to suitable schooling and above all the love and support of parents and family. Usually, treatment can be provided alongside a normal life and mixing with normal people.

There is no specific cure for asperger's syndrome or any form of autism but it can be managed by using special behavioural management techniques, special education and medication. With the love and support of parents and family together with a good psychologist many autism and asperger's syndrome people are able to integrate into a normal life pattern.

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