Home & Garden Architecture

How to Attach a Dishwasher to Granite Counter Top

    • 1). Slide the dishwasher into position below the granite counter. Open the dishwasher door. Search the top of the dishwasher for two tabs. Use a flat tip screwdriver to adjust the tabs into a vertical position.

    • 2). Remove the access panels at the bottom of the dishwasher. Remove both the larger, top panel as well as the lower, recessed panel. Use a Phillips-head screwdriver.

    • 3). Raise the adjustable feet. Use the Phillips-head screwdriver or pliers. The feet are located at the front corners behind the access panels. Adjust the dishwasher until the two top tabs are within ½-inch of the counter.

    • 4). Mark the spot directly above the center of the tab screw holes using the pencil. Pull the tabs downward with the flat tip screwdriver. Remove the dishwasher from under the counter.

    • 5). Apply granite adhesive to one side of a ¾-inch piece of plywood. Set the glued side of the wood against the underside of the counter. Center the wood on one of the tab marks as made in Step 4. The edge of the wood should lie parallel to the counter edge. Use the clamp to hold the piece in position while it sets. Set the opposite piece of wood in position using the same steps as above. Allow both pieces of wood to fully set before continuing.

    • 6). Slide the dishwasher in position underneath the counter. Bend the two tabs upwards using the flat tip screw driver. Use a drill to attach ½-inch screws through each tab into the wood.

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