DHT-The Major Cause of Hair Loss
DHT stands for Dihydrotestosterone.
It is a biologically active metabolite of the hormone testosterone that is formed in the prostate gland, hair follicles, and adrenal glands among other parts.
It belongs to the group of compounds known as androgens which control and stimulate the development of masculine characteristics.
DHT is the natural metabolite and is the main reason for hair loss.
Now, it is a well known fact that both males and females lose hair due to some hormonal changes or imbalances in the body.
The major cause of the hair loss is the alteration of androgen in the body that causes hair loss.
Androgen plays a very important role in this and growth in males.
Dermal papilla is the most significant part of the hair follicle and is responsible for hair growth.
The dermal papilla cell divides quite often to lead to the formation of a new hair follicle.
Because the dermal papilla lies in direct contact with the blood capillaries of the skin, it sources for nutrients which aids in the growth of the hair follicle.
This dermal papilla contains many receptors for androgens and women have less androgenic receptors at the dermal papilla than men.
Nutrition is of paramount importance in order to maintain hair.
When DHT reaches the hair follicles and dermal papilla, it normally halts the provision of proteins, vitamins and minerals to the hair follicles and hence malnourishes them.
Therefore, the hair follicles reproduce at a slower rate and this either lengthens the resting stage of hair follicles or shortens its growth phase.
DHT is also responsible for shrinking follicles which makes the hair follicle smaller and finer.
This is known as miniaturization which ultimately leads to the falling off of hair.
In essence, this is why DHT is the major cause.
Hence, the men and women who lose more amounts of hair are those who produce more DHT than others.
Addtionally, DHT creates a glue like substance just around the hair roots and this accumulation of DHT in the hair follicles and roots leads to the male and female pattern hair loss.
There are various types of treatments which block the synthesis of DHT at molecular level and hence cure both male and female pattern hair loss.
You can use one of the many natural DHT blockers and drugs that are usually used for hair restoration.
Drugs that can treat DHT include Finsteride and Dutasteride.
Dutasteride can aid in the treatment of male pattern baldness though a proper doctors advice should be sought.
Finasteride can treat both male and female type baldness.
Dutateride is more powerful in treating hair loss due to DHT.
As with all medications, a doctor's advice should be sought as this will prevent chances of huge side effects that may be associated with these drugs.
Once the doctor's prescription is sought, you should combine the treatment with the other traditional methods of hair loss prevention such as proper diet and meals.
Herbal medicines have also recently been formulated to treat DHT induced hair loss.
All the resources and information is there, so why not take your time and look for the relevant information.
Good luck in your search and treatment.
It is a biologically active metabolite of the hormone testosterone that is formed in the prostate gland, hair follicles, and adrenal glands among other parts.
It belongs to the group of compounds known as androgens which control and stimulate the development of masculine characteristics.
DHT is the natural metabolite and is the main reason for hair loss.
Now, it is a well known fact that both males and females lose hair due to some hormonal changes or imbalances in the body.
The major cause of the hair loss is the alteration of androgen in the body that causes hair loss.
Androgen plays a very important role in this and growth in males.
Dermal papilla is the most significant part of the hair follicle and is responsible for hair growth.
The dermal papilla cell divides quite often to lead to the formation of a new hair follicle.
Because the dermal papilla lies in direct contact with the blood capillaries of the skin, it sources for nutrients which aids in the growth of the hair follicle.
This dermal papilla contains many receptors for androgens and women have less androgenic receptors at the dermal papilla than men.
Nutrition is of paramount importance in order to maintain hair.
When DHT reaches the hair follicles and dermal papilla, it normally halts the provision of proteins, vitamins and minerals to the hair follicles and hence malnourishes them.
Therefore, the hair follicles reproduce at a slower rate and this either lengthens the resting stage of hair follicles or shortens its growth phase.
DHT is also responsible for shrinking follicles which makes the hair follicle smaller and finer.
This is known as miniaturization which ultimately leads to the falling off of hair.
In essence, this is why DHT is the major cause.
Hence, the men and women who lose more amounts of hair are those who produce more DHT than others.
Addtionally, DHT creates a glue like substance just around the hair roots and this accumulation of DHT in the hair follicles and roots leads to the male and female pattern hair loss.
There are various types of treatments which block the synthesis of DHT at molecular level and hence cure both male and female pattern hair loss.
You can use one of the many natural DHT blockers and drugs that are usually used for hair restoration.
Drugs that can treat DHT include Finsteride and Dutasteride.
Dutasteride can aid in the treatment of male pattern baldness though a proper doctors advice should be sought.
Finasteride can treat both male and female type baldness.
Dutateride is more powerful in treating hair loss due to DHT.
As with all medications, a doctor's advice should be sought as this will prevent chances of huge side effects that may be associated with these drugs.
Once the doctor's prescription is sought, you should combine the treatment with the other traditional methods of hair loss prevention such as proper diet and meals.
Herbal medicines have also recently been formulated to treat DHT induced hair loss.
All the resources and information is there, so why not take your time and look for the relevant information.
Good luck in your search and treatment.