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Prepaid Legal - Identity Theft Specialists

Pre-paid Legal Care of Canada Corporation (PPL) offers numerous services: Life Events Plan (family), Small business plan and Group benefits plan.

The flagship products their Life events legal plan. Members are given access on a daily basis, free of extra charge-included in plan, to a team of professional lawyers who provide legal counsel, not only for traditional legal problems, but for every day events, such as buying property, a vehicle, creating a will, handling problems from businesses who treat you unfairly, insurance claims, dishonest auto mechanics and much more where legal reviews should be routine but rarely are because of high costs.
Every person, every day has situations that could use a lawyer's advice and take the pressure off. These events can be among the most important events in a person's life yet all too often they ha ve a tendency to take place without proper legal review or help. One example of a true life daily event is when a lady took her vehicle through a car wash and the dryer mechanism did not employ. She was tired, it was night and she returned home. The nest morning she observed the vehicle's mess of water spots etc. so she returned to the wash bay and the attendants refused to put it through without charge. She had paid $7.50 for the first wash and it was faulty equipment that caused the problem. The lady said she would phone her lawyer and the attendants laughed at her saying "Yah, right" and right she was. She phoned PPL. She phoned the PPL law firm and explained what had transpired so before she finished they were apologizing. They not only put her vehicle through again but polished it as well for 0 dollars.
However big or small the case Prepaid Legal Members have this kind of access to legal council as close as your phone on a toll free call.
Pre-paid Legal Services Inc. was created with every consumer in mind. It was conceived from the heart and knowledge of it's CEO Mr. Stonecipher who was involved in a horrific motor vehicle crash in Europe. The days, weeks, months and events that transpired thereafter was nothing short of a nightmare. Mr. Stonecipher did not wish anyone to go through what he did and thus Prepaid Legal was created.
Pre-paid Legal was one of the first companies within the U.S.A. organized solely to design, underwrite and market legal expense plans. Just like health care plans, Pre-paid Legal at a low monthly fee of $35.95 for a family plan plus identity theft coverage is less than a cup of coffee a day. The company's legal expense plan (ie: memberships) offer a variety of legal services.
Currently, there are over 1.5 million families across the U.S.A. and Canada that are protected. Plan benefits are delivered through a network of highly skilled independent provider law firms. Members have direct, toll free access to their area's provider law firm rather than having to search a yellow pages directory and having no assurance that the law firm they choose is totally equipped to handle your situation in your best interest. Pre-paid Legal carefully selects provider law firms and closely monitors the quality of service to maintain high standards set out by Pre-Paid Legal Services Inc. (USA)
Members are served by a carefully screened provider law firm and using the plan, members simply call their provider law firm directly to a toll-free number provided on their membership card. Here they can discuss everyday life events, problems or legal questions.
Simply put, Pre-paid Legal does all the work; no searching for a qualified lawyer, no claim forms, no worries about affordability-just PEACE OF MIND.

Identity theft is like stealing from a baby. It is the 21 century's #1 crime. You don't typically think about protecting your children, you first think it's an adult problem. WRONG! While adults in their spending years are normally the target, today's society is now infiltrated by growing numbers of victims being teens and children. More than half the victims are under the age of 6 yrs. Identity theft is an ever increasing problem, growing to exponential heights.
The reason is very simple, practically the perfect crime. Parents are now applying for their children's social insurance number at birth and all anyone needs is that number to get started opening new accounts. Child identity theft is especially pernicious because it can virtually go undetected for years, only being unearthed when the victim goes for a student loan or driver's licence. By this time the thief has more than likely abandoned the accounts long ago after maxing them out and now the thief's trail is cold.
Consumers who were victims of identit y theft as children face great difficulties when attempting to establish credit (as reported by one of the big three cedit-reporting firms). The age put down on the application becomes the official credit report age and sticks on the credit report unless a dispute is filed and proven.
The most common way of identity theft is by credit cards, medical cards and discarded personal information into garbages. 23% of the time, identity theft is through shoulder "surfing" someone at an ATM or checkout counters. 16% of the time, identity theft comes from a family member or friend taking advantage.

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