Alternatives to Compression Socks
- Worn in the style of tights or capris, footless compression tights can be paired like stretch pants under dresses for women, or as capri pants during the summer months. Made with a moisture control material, they keep the wearer cool in the summer and warm in the winter. Compression tights help the wearer with fatigue of the leg, and when worn in black, they blend with other wardrobe and style choices. Footless compression tights are often worn by waitresses and other workers who are on their feet throughout the day.
- Featuring an open-toe stocking top for easier access to the foot, these stockings can be worn by either men or women under trousers or slacks, and worn by women under short or long skirts. This type of stocking does not need to be removed every time the foot or ankle is checked for circulation, making this a popular choice after foot surgery. The foot is protected by the compression stocking only exposing the toes. This stocking comes in various colors to blend in with most wardrobes, and can be worn easily with open-toed shoes or sandals.
- Worn by athletes while working out and playing sports to aid with cramping muscles, compression leggings are an alternative to the compression sock. They fully support the leg and thigh area all the way down to the ankle, protecting against dangerous blood clots, while keeping the foot open for ventilation purposes and ease in making footwear choices during summer or winter months.
- Shaped like socks but offering more elasticity and support, compression stockings are worn like socks, but are more streamlined and keep the circulation in the leg and foot continually moving with full coverage. Stockings are also smoother under slacks and pants and comfortable under skirts, as they come in various colors and look similar to pantyhose.