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Using Feng Shui Rules To Empower Your Career

Using feng shui rules to empower your career is something we should all look into (unless you are retired!). Let's learn exactly how you can use feng shui to help you climb the corporate ladder and get to where you want to go in life! Is there a certain position that you want to ascertain in your current company? Perhaps you want to move into a different company for a step up, or into a different line of work or new industry. Here are some techniques you can start using immediately.
1. Invoke the sun's empowering rays - simulate the sun's rays radiating out from the center of the room which is your work area. Stand in the center of the room and visualize the sun within your hands. Imagine it radiating outwards in the eight directions and then above and below. When you feel the room needs a dose of sun energy, draw the symbol of the Sun using your fingers in the center of the room. Do this about once a week to revitalize the energy with this imaging ritual.
2. In classical feng shui, the Horse brings the energy of success, fame, freedom and speed. For this reason the Horse is often used in the Fame are of the Pa Kua (South) and the Career area (North)
3. Water element d©cor can be used in the North feng shui area, such as a deep blue element (vase, fountain, mirror) to strengthen your career energy.
4. Utilize auspicious symbols in your home. By feeling good about them they can change the quality and movement of energy in any space. Any object has energy and auspicious objects give off auspicious energy.
5. Boost yang energy in the facing palace of your home. The facing palace is the front center area of your home, and is the most vital area of your home, as most of the luck enters your home here. It should be as open as possible to allow a steady stream of positive chi to enter the home. Place a pair of Fu Dogs either side of the main door to protect your home from harmful energy entering it.
6. Use holy objects from your own religious faith to magnify sacred energy in your home. Holy objects transform negative chi into positive chi. Buddhists and Hindus believe in the power of holy objects such as Buddha images, holy texts or sacred art.
Take control of your life today and start putting these tips to use to enable feng shui to help you on your quest to empower your career and get to where you want to be in life!

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