Family & Relationships Weddings

Key Responsibilities of the Maid of Honor

Being asked to become a maid of honor is one privilege that you should not pass up.
This is especially a great thing to consider especially if you are not a relative or that close with the bride herself.
However, being a maid of honor does have its responsibilities.
You also have to play some important roles as the bride's maid of honor.
Actually, it might not seem to be a responsibility for you because the bride would feel so comfortable to seek your help with some things involving the wedding that it would feel like you will suddenly become her constant companion.
So what would these key responsibilities be? Here they are: Shopping Buddy If you are used to shopping with the bride just to get the latest bags on sale or do some retail therapy after a long stressful day, being the maid of honor is a bit different from these things.
You might need to provide a bit more focus for the bride.
She might need your opinion to guide her with the right style of bridal gown and even the perfect accessories that would go along with it.
Keep in mind that the bride already has tons of stuff on her mind as it is, so she might not be able to really pay attention to the nitty gritty details that she would often account for.
As her maid of honor, be prepared to get asked often about what you think of the designs and what would go well with other things.
Take this time as the perfect opportunity for you to be her personal wedding planner--but more on the fashionable side.
The Bride's Personal Assistant During the wedding day itself, everything would be very busy for the couple.
However guests would need to be ushered and entertained--just to make sure they are doing okay and that they arrive to the church and the reception perfectly fine.
It can be a difficult thing for the bride to do everything herself, especially since she can't risk running to and from some place.
Keep in mind that the bride herself is also a bit nervous about the whole thing so she might not really be keen on talking to lots of people.
So during the wedding especially in between the ceremony and the wedding reception, expect to be the bride's proxy and go-between among her family and your other friends as well.
This is where the trust of the bride with you will come to play, as she knows full well that she can rely on you to help you out.
You might want to have a talk about this with the bride before the wedding day itself so that you can already prepare a list of the things that must be done so that you yourself won't get overwhelmed with the tasks when the wedding day happens already.
Having a mini list handy would help you stay on top of things even in the middle of all the frenzy.

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