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2008 Sienna Radio Problems


    • Auto Beef on indicates that Sienna drivers report instances where their radio's display only works intermittently. The display may flicker on and off repeatedly before going off completely. Turning the radio on and off, may momentarily remedy the problem.


    • Cold temperature and/or water may damage the Sienna's digital instrument panel. Some Sienna drivers report their radio's display working intermittently due to water entering the vehicle after a severe storm. Aside from environmental factors, an LCD backlight blowout may cause the radio's display to be impaired.


    • If your 2008 Sienna is no longer under warranty, repair costs may still be covered due to the issuance of a TSB. If you have to incur the cost for a new radio, your best option is purchasing a new aftermarket radio compatible with your Sienna or you can purchase a certified used 2008 Sienna OEM radio for approximately $250 as of early 2011.

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