How to Wash Couch Cushions
- 1). Check the label on your couch to determine how you should clean the cushions. A "W" indicates spot-cleaning with a water-based soap. An "S" indicates using a solvent cleaner to spot-clean. A "W/S" indicates that you can use either a water-based soap or a solvent. An "X" indicates that you should not use either a water-based soap or a solvent -- brush or vacuum the surface of the cushion only.
- 2). Use a butter knife to scrape away any hard food or debris you may find crusted to the surface of the cushion.
- 3). Vacuum the couch cushions thoroughly with the brush attachment of the vacuum cleaner.
- 4). Wash the surface of the couch cushion carefully, proceeding with the method recommended on the couch label. To clean a "W" couch cushion, saturate a cleaning cloth with cool water and apply a small amount of dish-washing detergent to the cloth. Gently dab at the couch cushion to clean any dirty spots. Repeat the same process with a dry-cleaning solvent to clean couch cushions labeled with an "S," except allow the dry-cleaning solvent to sit on the fabric surface for about two minutes before blotting. Do not clean "X" cushions with either method.
- 5). Continue scrubbing the surfaces of the couch cushion until you remove all staining and soiling.
- 6). Rinse the cleaning cloth and blot at the couch cushion to remove the dish-washing liquid. It is not necessary to rinse away the dry-cleaning solvent.
- 7). Blot the couch cushion dry with an absorbent towel to absorb as much moisture as possible.