Home & Garden Cleaning & Laundry

How to Kill Mold & Mildew in the Fridge

    • 1). Empty the contents of the refrigerator. Keep food cold until you finish cleaning the refrigerator by placing it in a cooler with several ice packs.

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      Mix together a fungus-killing solution to get rid of mildew and mold in the refrigerator.Jupiterimages/Photos.com/Getty Images

      Place 1 cup baking soda in a bucket. Add 1/2 gallon white vinegar, then fill the bucket the rest of the way with hot water. Stir the ingredients until the baking soda is dissolved.

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      Rubber gloves protect your skin from mold and mildew fungus.Jupiterimages/Goodshoot/Getty Images

      Wear rubber gloves to protect your skin from coming in direct contact with mold and mildew. Soak a sponge and scrub brush in the mold- and mildew-killing solution. Wring out the sponge and wash the interior walls and shelves inside the refrigerator to kill mold and mildew and remove their stains.

    • 4). Scrub corners, edges and grates inside the refrigerator with the brush and baking soda and vinegar solution to kill mold and mildew. Rinse the brush frequently then apply more cleaning solution and continue to scrub.

    • 5). Rinse the inside of the refrigerator with a cloth dampened with water. Dry the inside surfaces with clean cloths. Leave the refrigerator door open for 15 minutes to allow the interior of the refrigerator to air dry.

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