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What Wall Color Goes with Dark Pink and Yellow Curtains with Small Checkers?

    Lime Green

    • Color-wise, lime green can't exactly be said to match pink and yellow checked curtains. Attitude-wise, it's a dead lock. Anyone who would put up pink and yellow checked curtains would definitely like a lime-green room to match. And maybe dark pink carpet. And even darker pink furnishings. And then on one wall, a pale pink shelf that does nothing but serve as a holding place for a row of fuzzy toy chicks. In this scenario while the dominant color scheme is pink and yellow, the lime green walls help cultivate the weird, happy atmosphere.

    Yellow and Pink

    • Alright, you probably thought of these colors yourself, but maybe you hadn't thought to paint both colors at the same time. In fact, you could go nuts with a pattern of pink and yellow on your walls. You have several choices -- horizontal stripes, vertical stripes, polka dots or even a huge checkerboard pattern, just like your curtains.


    • This is really only a good choice if you're worried about the resale value of your home. If you're a responsible adult -- or under the control of a responsible adult -- it's very likely that you'll be forced to paint your room with plain white walls. It's all right, white can always be covered up with something else--like paintings, posters, stickers and graffiti. Kids will be wise to ask parents about the stickers and graffiti.


    • Warm colors are the theme in this room -- and don't stop at peach walls. Decorate with a rainbow of colors like powder pink, apricot, sunny yellow, magenta and every hue even remotely similar. You'll need sunglasses to relax in this room with pale pink carpet and cantaloupe-colored furnishings, magenta and yellow pillows on the floor and hot-pink paintings on the walls.

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