How to Landscape With Driftwood
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Driftwood logs can function as fence posts.Jupiterimages/Comstock/Getty Images
Make a decorative fence out of driftwood. Dig holes and insert large pieces vertically to act as fence posts. Then use strong wire to attach smaller pieces of driftwood horizontally. Or, stretch a smaller supply of driftwood by using it for only the fence posts. This unique and eye-catching fence not only is a good way to add natural beauty to outdoor areas but is also an earth-friendly idea that makes good use of a recycled product. - 2
Lay driftwood pieces end to end to create a border.Brand X Pictures/Brand X Pictures/Getty Images
Build a border with driftwood. Borders are a good landscaping technique for breaking up visual monotony. Wherever and however you would like to create a separated zone or space, lay out the pieces to create a walkway, trail, pathway, bed around a tree or bush, lane, flower or vegetable garden, berry patch or other such area. You can use the driftwood by itself or in combination with other border materials such as plants, pavers, rock, brick and stone. - 3
Use a large piece as a bench to sit or lie on.Polka Dot Images/Polka Dot/Getty Images
Turn driftwood into outdoor focal points. Sand and polish a larger piece to create a natural bench at the end of a walkway. Paint the driftwood fun colors, seal and protect with a coat of varnish and mount on an exterior wall. Nail pieces together with wire to make driftwood sculptures to sit around a courtyard. Drill holes through several smaller pieces, string them together with cord, and hang to make an outdoor-friendly faux wall that provides some privacy and shade while letting air and light through. - 4
Collect smaller pieces and string together.Hemera Technologies/ Images
Use driftwood to support climbing plants. Instead of the usual garden landscaping wire cages, stakes and lattice, lash several small pieces driftwood together to create support structures for plants. Dig holes in which to place long pieces so that plants can grow upward on them. Set a large piece of driftwood s in the center of a garden flowering vines can grow all over it. Roses, ivy, honeysuckles, grapes, jasmines, beans and whatever creeping and climbing plant you like can be used.