How to Avoid Panic Attack Stories
If you listen to some Panic Attack Stories they can be very disturbing.
People may have lost their jobs, stopped driving altogether due to anxiety & stress they have felt, in some cases people have stopped going out altogether even to do shopping because of their panic attacks.
By listening to other peoples stories you can learn from their mistakes.
In the main the longer people wait before acting & doing something about the situation the worse it gets, these are the worse panic attack stories that you hear.
If you are suffering from anxiety or panic attacks you need motivation to get up & do something about them now! Anxiety attacks are based on fears that are irrational.
Think about it this way, the mind gets out of control on a scale of 1 to 10.
Starting at 1 with maybe a feeling of dizziness at it's worse the attack escalates to a 10.
You may ask why did I get my first Panic Attack? we may or may not be able to establish this, on reflection you might be able to put it down to a huge event in life such as a Bereavement or New Baby, it could also be due to a medical condition.
One of the Panic Attack Stories I heard from a friend was that she was diagnosed with anemia after visiting her doctor following a panic attack, the anemia had made her exhausted & had brought about the anxious feelings.
The more the mind gets out of control & you fear another attack may come on the more it becomes a viscous circle & the worse it gets.
If I told you it doesn't have to be that way for you would you be interested? You could start a Self Help program today that will put you in a better position to deal with the attacks.
The cure will require work as it is not a miracle, no pill can cure you forever & in my experience nobody has a magic wand, as with most things in this life anything worthwhile does require commitment & an element of work.
People may have lost their jobs, stopped driving altogether due to anxiety & stress they have felt, in some cases people have stopped going out altogether even to do shopping because of their panic attacks.
By listening to other peoples stories you can learn from their mistakes.
In the main the longer people wait before acting & doing something about the situation the worse it gets, these are the worse panic attack stories that you hear.
If you are suffering from anxiety or panic attacks you need motivation to get up & do something about them now! Anxiety attacks are based on fears that are irrational.
Think about it this way, the mind gets out of control on a scale of 1 to 10.
Starting at 1 with maybe a feeling of dizziness at it's worse the attack escalates to a 10.
You may ask why did I get my first Panic Attack? we may or may not be able to establish this, on reflection you might be able to put it down to a huge event in life such as a Bereavement or New Baby, it could also be due to a medical condition.
One of the Panic Attack Stories I heard from a friend was that she was diagnosed with anemia after visiting her doctor following a panic attack, the anemia had made her exhausted & had brought about the anxious feelings.
The more the mind gets out of control & you fear another attack may come on the more it becomes a viscous circle & the worse it gets.
If I told you it doesn't have to be that way for you would you be interested? You could start a Self Help program today that will put you in a better position to deal with the attacks.
The cure will require work as it is not a miracle, no pill can cure you forever & in my experience nobody has a magic wand, as with most things in this life anything worthwhile does require commitment & an element of work.