Health & Medical Nutrition

Not That Low-Carb Diet Again

We all know that those low carb diets that everyone is talking about are so popular these days.
You know the diets like Atkins, south beach etc.
But before you really go ahead and try a new low carb diet I would suggest that you think twice before you even think about going on one.
In the area of fat loss diets there is a massive misconception going around that a person needs to get rid of foods that are heavy in the carbs area.
But what we fail to realise is that the foods that you find in these carb heavy foods are what you need to get the energy to get through the day.
Especially for those that are working hard day in and day out.
So did you have any idea that this type of diet is only good for losing weight on a temporary basis? On the other hand these low carb diets that you may have been sucked into have many long term implications for your health.
This can be very new to those who have been sucked into the world where people everywhere are saying that they are so beneficial.
But there is no need to get a heart attack, all you need to do is make some simple changes to live a more healthier life.
With low carb diets there is a big risk of osteoporosis.
Diets that are very rich in protein which include things like natural animal protein from meat increases the risk of osteoporosis, especially for women because the body takes calcium from the bones to kill the acids that are being built up in the blood because of the person ingesting high amounts of protein.
According to the American Institute for Cancer Research, it has been found that any low carb diet that is either very low or has completely removed the use of fruits, vegetables and whole grains but very high in animal foods that are rich in protein increases their chance of getting a whole variety of different cancers.
Research from international studies have shown that those countries that have a low rate of breast cancer are those countries that have good fat intakes where the opposite is true for other countries.
Of course a better option would be a diet that is rich in high fibre foods, as the food on this diet would really help to get over the risks of breast cancer.
The greatest problem area which can rise dramatically is big increase in heart disease.
So before you jump on the band wagon of low carb you really need to make sure that you are fully aware of all the health benefits as well as the drawbacks before making a serious decision.
The last thing you want is to damage your health irreparably.

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