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Fantastic Over the Hill Party Ideas and Tips

Who said that parties are only for children? Even adults can have birthday parties if they want to! In fact, over the hill parties have become so popular over the recent decades that more and more people find it a need to celebrate their many years in this world.
After all, if they have been living a full life, what is not to celebrate? If you are turning 40, 50, 60 or even older soon or someone in the family is, you may want to celebrate it with an over the hill party.
Here are some fantastic party tips and ideas that would spark up your enthusiasm and creativity.
Fantastic Idea # 1 - Give away personalized candy bars Customized candy bar wrappers have always been a hit in many birthday parties.
It is not any different with an over the hill celebration.
You can give these treats away as invitations, souvenirs, favors, or prizes for the games or activities.
Every guest would be delighted with this since almost everyone gets a kick out of eating sweet delectable chocolates.
And the fact that you get to customize the design and wording can make this item worth keeping.
Online, it is easy to find chocolate bar wrappers that come with over the hill designs, perfect for this kind of celebration.
Fantastic Idea # 2 - Invite guests to come dressed as the celebrant Another great idea to use for the party is to invite the guests to come dressed as the person celebrating the birthday.
For example, if you are holding this birthday party for your dad, who is always dressed like he is going to play golf, guests may come dressed this way.
Some may even go as far as attempting to look like your dad by sporting his mustache or by having his signature pipe.
Your dad and all the guests would holler at this idea.
Fantastic Idea # 3 - Think of creative activities relevant to the age of the celebrant For instance, if the party is for your mom who is turning 60, you may ask guests to share funny anecdotes, stories, or quips about your mother that could make the 60 things that make your mom one of a kind.
It could also be 60 funny stories about your mom, 60 adorable things about her, or 60 crazy things she did in her life.
You can either have these 60 things printed on a banner, or round up the guests to share these things by giving a speech.
Fantastic Idea # 4 - Have a mock funeral party This actually seems morbid for some, but others actually enjoy holding a mock funeral party.
The premise here is that a person would want to hear what people would say about him/her when he/she dies while he/she is still alive.
Have a mock funeral party by asking guests to come dressed in clothes of mourning, to give eulogies, and to have an obituary in place.
Decorate the place with funeral flowers and play funeral music throughout the party.
Give away RIP candy bar wrappers for favors or souvenirs.
Of course, this type of party is not ideal if the celebrant has negative notions about death or has just experienced a death in the family or within his/her circle of friends.
An over the hill parties is no ordinary party.
This occasion is meant for not only merry-making and get-togethers but more importantly, it is intended to celebrate a person's fruitful life and his/her many years in this world.

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