How to Become a BOSU Instructor
- 1). Gain a significant amount of experience using the BOSU Balance Trainer prior to attempting to complete an instructor certification course.
- 2). Enroll in a BOSU Balance Training course and expect to spend a minimum of five or more hours onsite training for BOSU certification. Register and pay for the training, and attend the BOSU certification training session to become a certified instructor.
- 3). Train for the BOSU instructor certification course by taking BOSU classes at a local gym or by doing several of the BOSU DVDs available where fitness videos are sold.
- 4). Use the textbook to study the theory behind the BOSU, and understand the concerns that may arise so that you are able to answer any questions a future client or member may ask. Familiarize yourself with the various types of BOSU exercises and learn how to break them down.
- 5). Work on the exercises and homework provided in the workbook. Be sure you understand the answers and agree with the concepts and techniques prior to moving forward.
- 6). Learn how to cue, execute and teach how to use the BOSU Balance Trainer for functional exercises. Practice on friends and family members to master the teaching skills necessary for balance training.
- 7). Complete the home exam provided to obtain your BOSU instructor certification. Continue to use the BOSU on your own until you are confident enough in your abilities prior to using the BOSU Balance Trainer with any clients.