America"s Future
America is currently at a tipping point.
America's deficit and debt is out of control and unsustainable.
We can continue with the status quo ideas of tax and spend, while kicking the can down the road, or we can make some tough decisions and keep America as the bright spot of the world.
America's future, however, is not a bright one with the current policies and direction that the White House is going.
America is not a pretty sight under current policies.
Our outstanding debt, as I currently write this paper, stands at $14,194,788,320,729.
That's just over 14 trillion dollars.
Put a different way, each citizen's share of America's debt stands at almost 46 thousand dollars.
Under current policies, the total debt held by the public will reach three times the amount of our entire economy by 2050.
Our deficit will reach 22.
2% of our gross domestic product in 2050 and government spending is expected to exceed revenue by 5.
4% of GDP throughout the next 35 years.
These are just a few of the gloom and doom statistics that paint a dark picture for America's future if changes are not made.
The main driver of our deficit and debt is of course entitlement spending.
Entitlement spending eats up about sixty percent of America's overall budget.
That's 60 cents of every tax dollar going to three government programs! These programs are driving rates of spending that are simply unsustainable.
Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid are projected to reach the size of today's whole government in fifty years.
Without major changes to these programs, we cannot make any meaningful changes to the fiscal problems that America faces.
Most Americans work hard every day so that some time down the road they can have their own shot at the American dream.
If we as a country continue down this current path, without making any changes, the American dream will become more of a mirage every single day.
America's debt will crush the chances for future generations to succeed and prosper.
Tax rates will become so high to pay off the mountain of debt that almost every dollar we make will go to the state and federal governments.
This is a future that I do not want for myself or any other future generation.
The problems we face are not permanent.
We are still at a point in time where they can be fixed.
However, our window of opportunity shrinks with every day that goes by.
There are some very simple solutions to help reform our entitlements, but demagogues on the left do everything they can to keep these simple reforms from occurring.
It is a fact that unless we reform entitlements, they will become insolvent.
It is crazy to me that even though everyone in Washington knows there is a problem, they still do nothing about it.
It is complete insanity.
We as a people must demand of our politicians to forget about their next election and instead, focus on fixing our country's most pressing fiscal problems.
America's deficit and debt is out of control and unsustainable.
We can continue with the status quo ideas of tax and spend, while kicking the can down the road, or we can make some tough decisions and keep America as the bright spot of the world.
America's future, however, is not a bright one with the current policies and direction that the White House is going.
America is not a pretty sight under current policies.
Our outstanding debt, as I currently write this paper, stands at $14,194,788,320,729.
That's just over 14 trillion dollars.
Put a different way, each citizen's share of America's debt stands at almost 46 thousand dollars.
Under current policies, the total debt held by the public will reach three times the amount of our entire economy by 2050.
Our deficit will reach 22.
2% of our gross domestic product in 2050 and government spending is expected to exceed revenue by 5.
4% of GDP throughout the next 35 years.
These are just a few of the gloom and doom statistics that paint a dark picture for America's future if changes are not made.
The main driver of our deficit and debt is of course entitlement spending.
Entitlement spending eats up about sixty percent of America's overall budget.
That's 60 cents of every tax dollar going to three government programs! These programs are driving rates of spending that are simply unsustainable.
Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid are projected to reach the size of today's whole government in fifty years.
Without major changes to these programs, we cannot make any meaningful changes to the fiscal problems that America faces.
Most Americans work hard every day so that some time down the road they can have their own shot at the American dream.
If we as a country continue down this current path, without making any changes, the American dream will become more of a mirage every single day.
America's debt will crush the chances for future generations to succeed and prosper.
Tax rates will become so high to pay off the mountain of debt that almost every dollar we make will go to the state and federal governments.
This is a future that I do not want for myself or any other future generation.
The problems we face are not permanent.
We are still at a point in time where they can be fixed.
However, our window of opportunity shrinks with every day that goes by.
There are some very simple solutions to help reform our entitlements, but demagogues on the left do everything they can to keep these simple reforms from occurring.
It is a fact that unless we reform entitlements, they will become insolvent.
It is crazy to me that even though everyone in Washington knows there is a problem, they still do nothing about it.
It is complete insanity.
We as a people must demand of our politicians to forget about their next election and instead, focus on fixing our country's most pressing fiscal problems.