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Introduction and Materials

Introduction and Materials

Combine different textures including faceted pink crystals and earth-tone lava beads along with the shine of copper wire in these long and dramatic earrings. These earrings look great with the matching Pink Crystal and Brown Lava Bead Necklace design.

You will need the following tools and supplies:

4 - 8mm light pink faceted crystal beads
*2 - 12mm brown round lava beads
8 - size 11 berry colored seed beads
4 - size 11 copper colored seed beads
2 feet of 21-gauge dead-soft copper wire
Wire cutters
Chain-nosed pliers
Round-nosed pliers
Nylon-nosed pliers
Jeweler's file

*Lava beads are available at Rings & Things.

Crystal Wire Section

1. Start by taking at about 4 inches of wire, making a wrapped loop on one end, and adding the following beads: one berry-colored seed bead, one pink crystal bead, and one berry-colored seed bead.

2. Make another wrapped loop on the other end of the wire.

More Wire and Beads

3. Repeat steps 1 and 2, but this time add one copper-colored seed bead, one lava bead, and another copper-colored seed bead.
4. Before closing up the wrapped loop, connect it to the pink crystal section previously made.

5. Repeat steps 1 and 2, and also connect this to the other side of the lava bead section made in steps 3 and 4 so that you have an alternating chain of bead sections, crystal, lava, crystal beads.

6. Repeat all previous steps so that you have two of these connected beaded sections, and set these aside to use later.

Wire Loop

7. With about 4 inches of copper wire, use round-nosed pliers to start a curl on the end of the wire.

Top Wire Loop

8. Use nylon-nosed pliers to continue to curl the end until it is about 1/4 inch in diameter.
9. Grasping the wire just past the curl with round-nosed pliers, wrap the wire around the plier's nose.

Wire Swirl Component

10. Use wire cutters to trim off excess wire so that you now have a wire swirl component, and repeat steps 7 through 9 to make another one.

11. Attach a wire swirl to the bottom of each of the bead and wire sections set aside after step six was completed.

12. Finally, using more copper wire make a pair of ear wires, and attach these to the top of the earrings to finish them.

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